Inquiring minds want to know: For the sake of my pocketbook, do you think Nvidia stock is slated to rebound after today’s disastrous day? I know the earnings call is in just a few days.

My completely uninformed guess is no. Their bubble has burst.

I think you're looking at Feb 21, 2025. For me it's a blip and would wait it out.

Why? Hardware and other Nvidia sales for the datacenters is still ongoing and with the change to allow use AI for war machines means a bright future for Nvidia, Google and others.

Oh, but on the heels of the Deepseek tumble!

commented: 2-21-2025 saw a lot of other tumbles. +0

2-21-2025 saw a lot of other tumbles.

I'm well aware. My entire portfolio tanked.

commented: For 2-21-2025 we were -0.56% (down). Not terrible, not great. +0

Pretty sure nvidia will pop back and maybe even surge higher than before. Most companies won't trust deepseek, and nvividia is still the only real competition in the AI game, AMD isn't even trying to compete on the high-end or datacenter markets either.

I’m nervous about this upcoming earnings call scheduled for in a few days. At the last one, they reported great numbers and the stock still dipped.

Also, on another note, being hit hard by RDDT. I bought it about a year ago, for context.

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