
I am Neera
I am doing my P.Hd in Gender Science :) from the Ohio university .
Love observing people therefore I indulge myself in collective observations about people.I think its very interesting to read people's mind without even talking to them .

What is your take ?


Hi Neera, and welcome to Daniweb!

A Doctor of Philosophy in Gender Science does sound very interesting indeed, and no doubt very challenging as well.

I bet this requires many hours in front of your monitor, researching varied topics to add to your current thesis?

I too, have always enjoyed the study of 'interaction' between the human species and have always considered myself fairly perceptive towards body language and vocal tones in attempting to determine anothers mindset, however without these indicators (such as online communications) it becomes far more difficult. Which im assuming is the reason you are here?

Goodluck with your PhD........

P.S Can you guess from this communication (without looking at my profile) if i am male or female........on second thoughts, dont answer that! lol

Hey thnks for replying :)

well m srry but i think i aint that "OBSERVATIVE "

but its hardly matter in any online community whether u rmale or female ..what matter is "the way u think "

n yes observing people is very interesting :)

I too have spent a good amount of research "watching" interactions in online mediated communities. I recently read back through Paul Levinson's "Digital McLuhan" and there's a few points that keep sticking with me. His conception of media as content enclosed in the ever evolving form of the medium is brilliant. “The content of a movie is a novel…(p37)” Linking all content to their Eve…the printed word – which comes from human thought – which in turn stems from Durkheimian concept of collective conscience. He then goes on to discuss "the user as content," and the idea of a "Global Village." Too many people however take this term literally, or don't fully appreciate it's depth. As Levinson points out, "it's an equivalance in some aspect of their informational structure."

I find this philosophy interesting because of it’s ambiguity that now lies within the internet. This is what interests me, and what I think about when hearing the term "global village" or "global communities." You can typically tell when you’re listening to a conservative radio program or when you’re watching Indian theatre because of the social contexts laced within them. Print, in many cases is different because you occasionally don’t know what it’s “frame of reference” is; unless you know the author’s personal background and previous work. This holds doubly true for media on the internet because there is now a vast intermingling of information with no clear connection or reference from where the cultural collective conscience is coming from. In a sense, it is creating its own.


I am Neera
I am doing my P.Hd in Gender Science :) from the Ohio university

doubtful. you don't even know the correct abbreviation for it, and your spelling is not that of a well-educated person, more like that of a grade-schooler.

I too have spent a good amount of research "watching" interactions in online mediated communities. I recently read back through Paul Levinson's "Digital McLuhan" and there's a few points that keep sticking with me. His conception of media as content enclosed in the ever evolving form of the medium is brilliant. “The content of a movie is a novel…(p37)” Linking all content to their Eve…the printed word – which comes from human thought – which in turn stems from Durkheimian concept of collective conscience. He then goes on to discuss "the user as content," and the idea of a "Global Village." Too many people however take this term literally, or don't fully appreciate it's depth. As Levinson points out, "it's an equivalance in some aspect of their informational structure."

I find this philosophy interesting because of it’s ambiguity that now lies within the internet. This is what interests me, and what I think about when hearing the term "global village" or "global communities." You can typically tell when you’re listening to a conservative radio program or when you’re watching Indian theatre because of the social contexts laced within them. Print, in many cases is different because you occasionally don’t know what it’s “frame of reference” is; unless you know the author’s personal background and previous work. This holds doubly true for media on the internet because there is now a vast intermingling of information with no clear connection or reference from where the cultural collective conscience is coming from. In a sense, it is creating its own.

This is very interesting actually n i can differentiate b/w print media,watching a movie or listeing to a song ..they are different from each other but what connect them is "Expression"


doubtful. you don't even know the correct abbreviation for it, and your spelling is not that of a well-educated person, more like that of a grade-schooler.

well i believe that u have to different in whaterver u do n abt abbreviaton ..that may be a result of mishandling with "caps "

>>I think its very interesting to read people's mind without even talking to them .
Oh now you have telepathic abilities? I know my wife of 42 years can read my mind, but I didn't realize people could do that with complete strangers :mrgreen:

I don't really intend to be rude but I just thought that statement humerous.:)

Well I never said i have telepathic ability BUT I do believe if you can observe people then you can read their mind.

its not about being rude but I can make you understand by a example.
When you see a advertisement then you think somthing about that product,and if you compare your thinking with the advertiser thinking then you will be shocked to see closeness between what you think while watching that advertisement and what advertiser WANT you to think while making that advertisement.
Closeness between them is the margin of good advertisement.

its not about being rude but I can make you understand by a example.
When you see a advertisement then you think somthing about that product,and if you compare your thinking with the advertiser thinking then you will be shocked to see closeness between what you think while watching that advertisement and what advertiser WANT you to think while making that advertisement.
Closeness between them is the margin of good advertisement.

And how do you discover what they´re thinking? Does your research involve any nonverbal communication topic?

I like the Albert Mehabian study. It says that when we´re trying to communicate with someone, "words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the message" ;)

What does Gender study mean? Is it the differences in behaviour and attitudes between men and women? What aspect is your thesis going to specialize in?

And how do you discover what they´re thinking? Does your research involve any nonverbal communication topic?

I like the Albert Mehabian study. It says that when we´re trying to communicate with someone, "words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the message" ;)

yes thats quotes true, but its also vague in explanation, the human mind is VERY VERY capable of picking up subconsise thought and action and sometimes may give away too much information. knowing how to trigger pitcular respones allows minpulation wiggle room, in such ways something that were playingly said by one person would appeer to be bazzar and something you wouldnt do, under the right conditions and timing causing certion reactions can cause someone to be swaded to do something stupid. Fortantly, you generally cant make a healthy minded person comit sucide, though these tactics easly, fundamental survival instics prevent it, but that doesnt stop you from getting your boss to giving you a raise.

Hi Neera,
its very good comment that you give to understand a person's mind without talk, but I think there s an another way to do the same work. I think the attitude of any person explains the mind and workin g efficiency.
what do you think about it please reply......

As I was standing along side of the road minding my own bussiness friday. A minivan pulled up along side of me. He rolls down the passenger window and I take a quick glance. In the back seat are two young boys (I assumed his sons) and in the front passenger seat was a map. The first words out of his mouth, "Hey, I'm sorry but I'm not from around here."
Now this immediatly threw me off of the end result of the conversation. I thought his next words were going to be ," Do you know where (thisroad) is". But to my surprized he continued and said well I just noticed you standing there and God immediatly stomped on my heart and I just wanted to know your name so I know who I need to pray for. It was a huge surprize. It caught me totally offguard and I had to think for a moment. About 50 questions ran through my mind in a matter of seconds and then I had him summed up. I asked what are you a mormon? His reply was yes. Then I said. Hi my name is James. I don't believe in God. Not baptist nor mormom. Not catholic or islam. I told him to pray away but the end result would all still be the same. He looked kind of confused and then I asked him to move his van cause my kids bus just cut onto the road and it backs up in the spot where he pulled off to. I said it was nice talking to him, but I really wanted to just get out of the rain. I really don't understand why gender science is some sort of major and I hope you end up on the streets begging for food for not taking some real classes while you were at college.

...but I really wanted to just get out of the rain. I really don't understand why gender science is some sort of major and I hope you end up on the streets begging for food for not taking some real classes while you were at college.

Casesensitive, I don't know where you came from, this is your first post, probably by googling gender change - not that I'm prejudiced against trans-gender persons, but this sort of comment does not belong on a serious thread, nor does it belong anywhere on daniweb. I hope I don't see your drivel again, personally!! zeroth

Casesensitive, I don't know where you came from, this is your first post, probably by googling gender change - not that I'm prejudiced against trans-gender persons, but this sort of comment does not belong on a serious thread, nor does it belong anywhere on daniweb. I hope I don't see your drivel again, personally!! zeroth


My apologizes. I do frequent these forums. I mainly use them to look up stuff that I feel I need to know. Not just this forum but many of them that are available. Your right I usually say nothing at all cause the average person dumbfounds me. I know nothing of gender science and it seems to me a complete waste of an education. When a society has to go to college to get a read on another person or the opposite sex then I feel it is a society that will cease. I personally couldn't handle college. I've been a hard working man all my life and often put in over 90 hours in a week. The two semesters I did go to "college" I had perfect scores in everything, but I seldom stayed awake for classes when I went at all.
Your absolutly right you shouldn't have to see my "drivel" again. Unplug your computer. As for silencing me this is a public forum and if the admins wish to ban me they may do so. I don't care about her/his feeling one ounce. And yes I meant what I said about hoping her stupid degree about nonsence leaves her/him eating out of the garbage. That should really let her/him see the other part of observing people. The original poster in the original thread stated "What do you think". However zeroth I did not ask for your opinion so keep it to yourself. Now if the original poster wishes to come back from being away so long and reply to my comment I am all ears. I would think she did the thread as an science experiment just to see the type of responces some would give. I mean phd in gender? Phycologist... And the means at which she started her fly by the pants Opening thread about literally nothing. But thanks for defending some random online idiot eventhough they probally grew bored and graduated by now.

I know I've only been a member for three months and my first two post aren't so nice. The OP hasn't been on in 1 year 9 months. Are you majoring in the same nonsence the OP did? Is that why you were so offended and felt the need to lash out at my sexuality? I am a man and not an average one. I dont care about you and if you spoke to me like that to my face I would turn violent. You don't know my but if you wish to call me some sort of fag to my face I'll gladly arrange a meeting. Don't cry when your in the emergancy room though.

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