I turned on my computer adn a message floats across :check signal cable" I have no idea what I should do. Please help.

That means that your monitor isn't recieving a signal from the video card. Check that the monitor cable is plugged in and that nothing is broken. Wiggling the cable is also a good idea.

That means that your monitor isn't recieving a signal from the video card. Check that the monitor cable is plugged in and that nothing is broken. Wiggling the cable is also a good idea.

Thank you for answering, I have wiggled the cable and nothing seems to be broken

as above

what is you graphics card

pci ecpress?

try opening the machine and putting it in a new slot
did anything happen since it was working, a significant advent if you know what i mean

try using a diffrent cable
try another monitor

suppose if you had a spare graphics card you proberly wouldnt be posting on here but if ya have give it a try

I have a similar problem i checked everything.. How do i know if its the motherboard that has went out?

If it is an onboard video card, try putting a seperate card in...if the monitor works, then you know it's not your motherboard and it was your video card that was faulty.

i'm having the same problem too.We bought another VGA and turned on the computer but still "check signal cable" appeared on the screen.
for me to know what actions to take before i spend more money.

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