There are so many spoof programs promoting the 'best marketing strategies' that it has become more of a joke than a real help. Many things we read about make out that one person can reasonably learn what is needed to achieve success and profits on the Internet. How many have actually done this, really? Lets be honest.

From a general marketing / advertising / design background - it is blindingly obvious that to make a project work successfully, and for it to actually reach the target audience and be sustainable - many ingredients are required...or the project will be a long winded and messy affair leading nowhere and wasting a huge amount of time. Sound familiar?

We need both sides.

Create new concepts and Ideas, Fresh and Innovative
Create high-end, professional graphics, quality Websites and Navigation
Create 1st Class copy and marketing strategies.
Target the right audience for the project
Predict trends

And the technical:

Web Dev
Affiliate networks
Adsense etc. etc.

Is there anywhere that links up people with the 'techie' knowledge - to those with the 'creative / design / marketing knowledge'?

Together, this is a lethal combination - and rarely appears in the 'internet marketing' scene which is plagued with appalling design, copy and lacking original ideas?

If both are applied TOGETHER, then a very successful and serious project can be undertaken.

Where can the creative skills (such as mentioned above - which my team specilizes in) be matched to the technical skills?

Once these two areas have met and been applied to the Internet marketing, it will wipe the floor of what already exists.

Any comments appreciated as its about time we did it properly.

I am happy to give advise about the creative / design / advertsing side of things.

There are so many spoof programs promoting the 'best marketing strategies' that it has become more of a joke than a real help. Many things we read about make out that one person can reasonably learn what is needed to achieve success and profits on the Internet. How many have actually done this, really? Lets be honest.

From a general marketing / advertising / design background - it is blindingly obvious that to make a project work successfully, and for it to actually reach the target audience and be sustainable - many ingredients are required...or the project will be a long winded and messy affair leading nowhere and wasting a huge amount of time. Sound familiar?

We need both sides.

Create new concepts and Ideas, Fresh and Innovative
Create high-end, professional graphics, quality Websites and Navigation
Create 1st Class copy and marketing strategies.
Target the right audience for the project
Predict trends

And the technical:

Web Dev
Affiliate networks
Adsense etc. etc.

Is there anywhere that links up people with the 'techie' knowledge - to those with the 'creative / design / marketing knowledge'?

Together, this is a lethal combination - and rarely appears in the 'internet marketing' scene which is plagued with appalling design, copy and lacking original ideas?

If both are applied TOGETHER, then a very successful and serious project can be undertaken.

Where can the creative skills (such as mentioned above - which my team specilizes in) be matched to the technical skills?

Once these two areas have met and been applied to the Internet marketing, it will wipe the floor of what already exists.

Any comments appreciated as its about time we did it properly.

I am happy to give advise about the creative / design / advertsing side of things.


You have looked deeply into online business. You are right in all ways. For an internet marketing biz to succeed we need fresh, new idea that will work. New ideas are very possible to apply in the virtual world than in the real world. As you said there are some doing it wrongly

To start with we need a good website thats simple and effective. It should contain written form of explanation, audio or video as well. It should provide free tutorials so that even a newbie will be able to do it. Tutorials should cover a wide area of marketing aspects like advertising in search engines, how to use internet forums, how to create traffic etc. It should be good for both first timers and pros.

With these you will get to the right target group.

Getting the right target group is ok in one way. But to present them with the right product thats cost effective and thats very needed is equally important. The compansation plan must be good. Be sure of it... you may not get all these in just one deal. A 'business provider' should able to bring together a few online companies so that we can earn well and need not go around hunting for the good ones

About the technical aspect...the website must open very fast and must be suitable for both broad-band and dial-up connections. Members should have a good knowledge of how to use 'keywords'.

Well, I did come across one such site; please have a look at my sig file

Can you provide some more info on this?


I knew someone would be aware of the real deal and be up for it.

Let me know if you, and anyone wants to work on a proper, useful, powerful and profitable project - as I have the art/marketing/design/copy/ideas people, but am lacking the technical know how etc.

I think you are missing to add Social media optimization in your list, it is the effective way to bring targeted traffic and gain popularity.

I think you are missing to add Social media optimization in your list, it is the effective way to bring targeted traffic and gain popularity.

i totally agree...!

You can outsource much of the technical work at places like rentacoder and elance.


There is no best marketing strategies? Company success don't just depend on marketing? It depend on how well oil the company system and adaptation to marketplace.

A great marketing strategies execute badly, equal to bad strategies. My take is make sure execution are done well, allow adaptability to situation and improvise when need arise.

Well, the majority of programs out there may be deemed as scam territory. Everyone knows what to do, but most want the quick, easy way out.

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