Ok... so. I'm just putting this out there, that if you know how to do something with your computer... but your parents don't trust you... just f'in do it behind thier back.... Here is the story.

So I go to school online, and the program through which I use my school isn't Vista ready. Now the stupid peeople there... could have just beta tested Vista.... but they apparently are not to bright, and didn't do that. So we gave them a month to try to make a patch, and they failed to do so, and they told us we had to get a new pc.

So, I just decided to get a new hard drive, and put XP on it, and bam... I'm set. Well my parents wanted a professional to do it, so while I was out with friends, they took my computer into a shop and had him do it. Listen to this...

So he puts in the new HDD, and then installs XP on the new HDD.... and he LEFT the HDD with Vista plugged in . . So then that messed up the boot ini, and leaves my Vista drive "unallocated". He has a program on another machine that retrieves lost data... even on FORMATTED HDD's. Well he couldn't get back any of my information. I mean, I have a LOT of stuff on that computer, including over three months of schooling that costs about 300 bucks a month that I will have to redo if I cannot get it back. My 100+ episodes of anime, 4000 songs, game videos, game saves, games. On top of that there are patches for all my programs for Vista, and just... I could go on all day.

Does ANYONE know of a way to retrieve data on an "allalocated" drive.

Also, it will not let me "repair" Vista when I go to do so with the OS disk. It just gives me a bunch of gay ass errors.

I would think there would have to be a way to retrieve the information.... So before I try and do anything I'm askin' all over.

Thanks for the help.

you want to try the fixmbr command instead of doing repair - this will reinstall the bootloader


Hmmm thanks. I will look into it.

I used to have a dual boot linux/xp system and that worked for me when i wanted to wipe the linux bootloader and restore the standard XP one. It also worked for repairing the botloader in the past when it was damaged by a virus

look into it...

I was thinking about using OnTrack

That's just out of order: your parents take the PC while you're out, and the "professional" manages to screw up your rig.

I don't know a lot about data recovery. Try plugging it into a different machine with a USB enclosure or something, or try taking it to a repair shop? Sorry I can't help more...

Let me see if i understand this.

You had one HDD with Vista.

you was gonna add another HDD and install XP to dual boot.

your parent's took it to a Dumb so called "technician". (got a bunch of them around here)

he left the Vista HDD plugged in installed XP into the new HDD.

Now the primary hdd with vista is saying unallocated.

Try this open the case unhook the power to the HDD that you had xp installed on.then see if it boots to the Vista make sure the vista HDD is set to master or CS if a brand name probably will be set to CS.

if it boots to the vista then get back with us and between some of these Real PC Knowledgeable people and yourself we will get it going.

That's just out of order: your parents take the PC while you're out, and the "professional" manages to screw up your rig.

I don't know a lot about data recovery. Try plugging it into a different machine with a USB enclosure or something, or try taking it to a repair shop? Sorry I can't help more...

Yes... I mean if they would have told me... Hey we ARE takin' your pc to a shop, I would have backed up my stuff. But ya know.

Let me see if i understand this.

You had one HDD with Vista.

you was gonna add another HDD and install XP to dual boot.

your parent's took it to a Dumb so called "technician". (got a bunch of them around here)

he left the Vista HDD plugged in installed XP into the new HDD.

Now the primary hdd with vista is saying unallocated.

Try this open the case unhook the power to the HDD that you had xp installed on.then see if it boots to the Vista make sure the vista HDD is set to master or CS if a brand name probably will be set to CS.

if it boots to the vista then get back with us and between some of these Real PC Knowledgeable people and yourself we will get it going.

Yes you have that correct. I will try that momentary and get back to you.

http://www.drivesavers.com :D

I really don't have the money to pay to do this... thats the problem. OnTrack could cost up to 2600 dollars :O

Ok. I unplugged the XP HDD and made the Vista HDD Master, no go. I have the same error, as I do when I try to boot off of the Vista hard drive any other time.

That error is...



It will not let me edit my first post.

But the drive is "unallocated". I guess I typed the wrong thing previously. Sorry.

you cannot edit posts more than a certian time after they have been created

Well if nothing else it looks to me that you could use this to squeeze an upgrade out of your parents :P Not that your rig reallyneeds it lol.

Those new 8800GTX's are meant to be amazing, and ATI is bringing out its R800's soon... Your PSU could probably handle a pair of new DX10 cards.

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