Im working on this essay, and i just cant find any suitable or useful websites or sources on the web that explain: "Why would management prefer substandard internal security to professional outsourcing"
I've searched all over the damn net for some sites that might be useful, but i cant find any.

I really need you guys to help me out on this one, any articles, sites or anything would be very much appreaciated.

thanks in advance,




To seek resources outside of an organizational structure, usually to save money and/or exploit the skills of another entity. Typically used in terms of the business world, outsourcing often entails an enterprise using another company, such as a consultancy or application service provider, to provide a service that the enterprise can provide for itself, yet it is cheaper to utilize a third-party’s resources. For example, an enterprise might outsource its IT management because it is cheaper to contract a third-party to do so than it would be to build its own in-house IT management team. Or a company might outsource all of its data storage needs because it does not want to buy and maintain its own data storage devices. Or, a business might outsource its human resources tasks to a third-party instead of having its own dedicated human resources staff.

You really don't need a WEB site to explain this and research once you understand the difference.

Now Sub standard security is using what is in the OS and such with your company say like XP SP2 has a firewall built in.Now do you REALLY trust this seeing how there are so many enemys of MS (Billy Boy) and they are constantly hacking and cracking his software.also Sub Standard is the use of there own IT dept. to maintain there systems and security and some even to write programs and even security software.well in theory it is cheaper to outsource to a third party because there software will be updated quicker and there softwareis cheaper than paying a dude 75,000 to over a 100,000 a year to do this.

So in turn it is all about the benjamins how can we cut dude out and put more money in our pockets.well the answer is simple OutSource.

that is why management would prefer OutSource over SubStandard.

But you are needing why they would prefer.

That would be because they have alot of faith in there IT and don't mind paying them.

The only way i could see why they would stick with substandard is down time they wouldn't have to reeducate all the IT personel on the Outsource App. and implementing them to the workstations and something go wrong.which time is money if the systems are down they aren't making money.so in turn that would be why management would go with SubStandard over Professional security.that and they are afraid and don't got enough since to look down the road that saving a penny today on substandard can cost you a crap load tommorrow if you get targeted by a hacker.

Hope this helps in some way and good luck on your Essay.


Im working on this essay, and i just cant find any suitable or useful websites or sources on the web that explain: "Why would management prefer substandard internal security to professional outsourcing"
I've searched all over the damn net for some sites that might be useful, but i cant find any.

I really need you guys to help me out on this one, any articles, sites or anything would be very much appreaciated.

thanks in advance,


Which country are you refering about? in my country many companies have outsourced system and network management to company like wipro ,etc

He is just doing an essay for school.

I can't understand why an essay on

"Why would management prefer substandard internal security to professional outsourcing"

That would be a short essay for me.

Here it is:

They don't care about security and don't understand third party security is better.The end.


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