I am developing a new website as a hobby, and for about a half year ago a bought itshark.com without thinking that the most common translation on shark is swindle. So, welcome to itswindle.com :-( Shark can also mean to be clever on something, but thats just a slang word. After I discovered that, I have lost all the joy creating webpages, so I have done almost nothing on the page.
What I am asking for is following:
What do you think when you visit a page named itshark, would you thought it was a swindle page or a seriously community of it entusiasts? Since I comes from Norway, its difficult for me to ask on Norwegian forums about a name that is in english.
So please answer, either I have got a attractive domain, or a domain that people will think contains viruses and swindle attemts.
Best regards from Håkon Hassel