My pc has developed a error that means it will not start up. On pressing the on button, I can hear its drives running etc but it will not move past the Intel Pentium IV screen. I can't even start in safe mode as it literraly only shows the initial screen. Has anybody got any ideas what is going on here? The wife was using the pc and was trying to download from her phone memory card when it all went pear-shaped.




Have you installed anything new, recently?

What OS are you currently running?

I'm using Windows XP Home edition. I haven't installed anything recently. The PC does start after approx 30 mins and does crash from time to time. norton and spybot, neither show anyvirus. now my show desktop icon doesn't work.

What is going on?

The next time you get to desktop DO A SYSTEM RESTORE to before this started..... THEN RUN A FULL VIRUS SCAN!!!!!!!

Welcome to the site!

Yup, that's some good advice.. oh, and norton sucks. Download something else like Avast (It's free, and we better).

or avg :)

Yup, avg is also excellent virus protection software. I used both, but I prefer avast ;) (It makes a sweet sound when it detects a virus :D)

Guy's thanks for all your advice. Think I found the route of the problem. HDD had only 1% space left. Oops! Have deleted some old files and installed a second HDD. Speed issue seems to have cleared up. Though not sure its perfect.

I've also done a system recovery back to when time began. doesn't seem that different to me though and show desktop still does not work. Asks me what program created it. Is there a straight forward answer to this?

Oh, and thanks for the welcome aboard. I agree with your diagnosis of Norton. Complete pants. I'll follow your advice and go back to AVG or try Avast. Can anyone recommend a Stinger software? The version I have is ancient.



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