Question 1. What entity owns the domain name

Question 2. You must spend $100,000.00 on one of the two online banner advertising campaigns. All other things being equal, except for the pricing model, which campaign will yield better results? Campaign A:The CPM cost is $5.00 and the click rate on creatives is estimated to be 2%. Campaign B:You are charged $0.20 CPC.

Question 3. You are the manager of a social networking website (such as and you must come up with a strategy to fight the following spam problems:

(a) Spammers are emailing clients to go visit the spammer’s website

(b) Some spammers (who are 99% from Ghana) are using the website’s instant messenger to try and trick members who are currently online, to send them money.

(c) Some spammers (who are mostly from Ghana and Nigeria) are purchasing additional services on the website using stolen credit card numbers (cards belonging to people in the USA). This results in charge-backs and thus a solution is needed to eliminate or minimize this problem.

So how far have you got with this (school) project ?

haha.. yea, it is obviously a school project. Perhaps try doing it yourself?

Hell, as for question 3 I would just ban everyone from Africa. Do they even have electricity in Africa? :D

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