Hi all,

I'm trying to start an IT services business (starting off by offering website design and development services).

How does using web templates and stock photo images work?

Ideally, I'd like to be able to simply put the following in the footer of the sites I develop.

Copyright © 2007 <My Client's Company>. All Rights Reserved.

Does this mean that I can't use any web templates or stock images to build the site?

Are there any template sites and/or stock photo sites that you know of that won't have a problem with a simple copyright notice like the one above... or do they generally require you to disclaim copyright ownership of any templates and photos used?

What are your thoughts on this matter?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Best wishes


Hi eddie ..
if you need totally free photos .. try to use this site: free pictures
At this site are more than 700 free pictures .. all are free for commercial and noncommercial use ..

Have a nice day :)

Most of the sites where you find these types of items have their licensing explained. I'm not sure but I think it varies from site to site so you have to check them out carefully.

You need to get "royalty free" templates and images. These are sometimes not free, but they allow you to use them without disclaimers.

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