I cannot download anything from Internet, not even a file attachment from my email. Everything stops at 99%. I was using Internet Download Manager (Trial Version) earlier; but since it got expired, I am facing problem. Please help me understand and fix the problem. Thanks.

are you using a router? or you're connected straight to the modem?

are you using a router? or you're connected straight to the modem?

thanx for reply. i am directly connected to the modem

Have you uninstalled the trial version of the internet download manager? If not, there is a good chance that the program itself is still running your downloads, but won't let them complete because you haven't paid for the program. If so, then uninstall the download manager and just use what is built into Internet Explorer or Firefox or whatever your standard browser is.

Have you uninstalled the trial version of the internet download manager? If not, there is a good chance that the program itself is still running your downloads, but won't let them complete because you haven't paid for the program. If so, then uninstall the download manager and just use what is built into Internet Explorer or Firefox or whatever your standard browser is.

Thanks for ur reply. I had trial version of IDM installed on my computer but I uninstalled it, since then this error started coming up. Please provide few more suggestions if possible.

Have you tried using a different browser? That is, if you already have more than one. If not, get a friend to download and burn you a copy of Mozilla Firefox or something similar, and then try that. Also, go to the Internet Download Manager's website to see if they have an uninstall tool. Read their FAQ's to see if others have had the same problem. If so, they'll also have the solution listed there.

Have you tried using a different browser? That is, if you already have more than one. If not, get a friend to download and burn you a copy of Mozilla Firefox or something similar, and then try that. Also, go to the Internet Download Manager's website to see if they have an uninstall tool. Read their FAQ's to see if others have had the same problem. If so, they'll also have the solution listed there.

I will try soon and reply.


I have the same problem downloading anything will work until it gets to 99% i am connected straight from the modem, if anyone can help me that will be great.

You should try a different browser like mozilla firefox,,if this doesn't work i suggest you use a different download manager if idm worked,,you could use DAP ot has a totally free version.

why not try removing internet explorer and reinstalling (assuming you're using internet explorer)?

How do you uninstall internet explorer. Yes i am using it :)

How do you uninstall internet explorer. Yes i am using it :)

You should be able to just go into the control panel and go into add/remove programs and do it from there. I can do it on my computer so I am assuming you can do the same on yours, but if you can't do it that way then try to update your version, and if that doesn't work come back and I will take another look at it.

Alright, let's make sure you don't get caught without a browser ... first, if you are using Internet Explorer 7, there is an uninstall in the Add/Remove Programs list, and it will put you back to IE version 6. In that case, go ahead and give it a try.

But if you are currently using Internet Explorer 6, you better first have a friend download and burn you a copy of the latest Firefox (you might like that better anyway, although you may still need Internet Explorer for a few sites). Go to www.mozilla.com to get it. Later on you can get the Internet Explorer 6 download starter file from Microsoft using Firefox.

Here's how to reinstall Internet Explorer 6 if you don't have IE 7 (thanks to The Elder Geek for this reference). You need to edit the Registry to tell Windows that Internet Explorer isn't installed (even though it is):

Go to the Start Menu, click Run, then type in “Regedit” (without the quotes).
Locate this Registry Key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
After selecting that key in the left column, double click “IsInstalled” in the right column.
Change the value from “1” to “0”
Close the Registry Editor.

You might not have to, but I would reboot now. Then use Firefox to go to Microsoft and download Internet Explorer Service Pack 1. The initial download is very small, then when you run that file, you can either do a default download, or customize the components you want to download and install. After you install, you may again need to reboot. After that, IE 6 ought to work fine.

Best wishes, Chuck

You can remove IE from the system components tab at the left hand side of add/remove programs

You can remove IE from the system components tab at the left hand side of add/remove programs

jbennet, have you ever tried that? I haven't used that because it says it does the same thing for IE that it does for Messenger: "Adds or removes access to Internet Explorer from the Start Menu and Desktop". I take that to mean that I could still go to Program Files and Internet Explorer and then launch the program (or Run, iexplore). And that would mean Windows would still see IE as installed, with only the shortcuts removed, so you couldn't reinstall IE. I know from experience XP will not let you install IE 6 on top of IE 6.


Im pretty sure you can properley remove IE somehow as in europe MS were made (as part of an antitrust thing) to make a version (XP N) with no IE or Media Player on anything like that and it works just fine without them (you can install them anyway from the MS site if you wish)

jbennet, try it. Download the fresh install before you do so if you want to be safe, or install Firefox or the equivalent alternative browser. Take a look at what the component section says about MS Messenger, and look at what it says about IE, then uninstall MS Messenger. Now look in the Messenger folder -- what's missing? Nothing. Only the shortcuts on the desktop and menus. It will be the same for IE for me and for many others in my country, and in many other countries as well.

If you are in Europe, then perhaps MS actually had to put a real uninstall there, but I'm in the United States of America, and MS is under no such compelling of law here. European law is certainly not binding here (nor would I want it to be, for many reasons -- all of them sovereign). Yes, there are ways to uninstall it here, but they are all manual. The easiest way to get IE 6 to reinstall here is to use the Registry to make MS think it isn't installed in the first place. If you can find an easier way that works in the USA I will be glad to use that instead.


IE HIS NOT THE PROBLEM!!! download avg and scan your computer.

@hicham, i am sure he has 99 problems and this ain't one of them anymore... ;)

download stops at 99% pl help me im using firefox ..it is up to date

commented: you wont get far, attaching to a SIX YEAR OLD thread, read the instructions and post your own, exxplaining what add-ons you have installed, what browser OS and every other piece of information that could possibly assist anyone who may try +0
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