Hello everyone,
This is my first post here.
I have been trying for months to decide which diagnostics "tool kit" to order. These are the ones I have been considering, but I can't find any comparative reviews on them.
Smith-Micro offers CheckIt Professional for $300. I have their portable edition (diskette based), but one big problem there is that I've had several notebooks recently that won't boot this from a USB floppy (including an IBM, a Sony, and a Dell). And I'm pretty sure that it doesn't test SATA controllers anyway. But I would certainly expect their full version to support SATA, and of course that would then be on a bootable CD.
Ultra-X appears to be the Cadillac, especially since they don't tell you the pricing online (you have to sign up to be contacted by a sales rep). I'm ruling them out because they are probably way over my budget (but feel free to correct me if you know their pricing).
PC-Diagnostics has what appears to be a good bundle for under $300 (including a PCI post card, a mini-PCI/printer-port post card for notebooks, loop back plugs, and a full suite of diagnostic software.
Microsoftware has Microscope2005 for about $300.
Can anyone help me choose between these, or make some recommendations about their strengths and weaknesses?
Thank you!