Hello all, I had an experience I'd like to share, I was checking by pc's temperature and found it very high, concluding I needed to do some clean up maintenance, I took out my trusty air duster and sprayed it on the components, when I sprayed my processor I caused a fire flash that engulfed my entire face and arm, luckly other than burnt hair and no eye lashes, I came out of it with minimum burns, I never would have thought this could happen until I sat down and refreshed my basic chemistry class knowledge and remembered how dangerous heat and fine particles of dust can be highly flamable. I now know to let the pc cool down.

Duki commented: hahahaha glad you're ok! +4


I hope the computer will still work!!

hahaha! that's awesome!! great story!! I'm going to send the link to my classmates!! rofl

hahaha! that's awesome!! great story!! I'm going to send the link to my classmates!! rofl

Not a story I made up my friend, it happened. I only posted so no one else gets injured.

I would think that some basic common sense would tell you that most substances that are contained under pressure are flammable. Even Duster when exposed to high temperature. Good story though.

Welcome to daniweb :)

Yes......He is very lucky!

indeed.. i take it your PC died as a result of this then? i must admit it is something I've done in the past without thinking but never caused any fireballs so far lol ill take your advice though in future. dust is just so annoying!

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