Server 2003 can't see the Sata Controller in order to begin a new install. The Array is (QuickINT) Any help would be appreciated.


you need to put the sata drivers .inf file(s) onto a floppy disk and hit F6 when install says "Hit F6 for SCSI/RAID drivers" or something like that

yeah, just look on the controller (if it's integrated - the mb) installation cd. should be a diskette making utility there

you need to put the sata drivers .inf file(s) onto a floppy disk and hit F6 when install says "Hit F6 for SCSI/RAID drivers" or something like that

Thanks for the help, it worked out fine. Thanks again.

yeah, just look on the controller (if it's integrated - the mb) installation cd. should be a diskette making utility there

Thank you for the suggestion and the quick reply. I was able to resolve the issue by installing the Sata Controllers drivers when prompted and pressing F6 as suggested by (Jbennet) thanks again for your help though.


no problem

you have to do this on some pcs (my dell) when installing xp to get the intel integrated raid to work, that how i know of it

The new version of Windows Server 2008 aught to better, as vista has greater support and no longer requires a floppy disk (allows you to use a usb key even)

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