In case using a credit card or cash wasn't convenient enough, soon you'll be able to buy a Frappuccino using your phone at any Starbucks store.
The coffee company announced this week it will be expanding its mobile payment program, which so far has only been available at select locations in Seattle and the Bay Area and about 1,000 Target stores around the country.
How exactly does it work?
It's basically an app downloaded to the iPhone. And when you register a Starbucks Card on it, your phone becomes your new card with the barcode to be scanned. Customers can check balances, transactions and add more money to the card using the app.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said the company's customers are well-suited to benefit from mobile payment and mobile gifting technologies.
"We now believe that offering mobile payment and mobile gifting capabilities will result in a more efficient in-store experience and provide us with significant competitive advantages and further differentiate Starbucks from competitors. And based on early success and positive customer feedback, we are committed to expanding this program in the months ahead," Schultz said on the company's earnings conference call this week.
The program first launched in September of last year and expanded to Target stores in March.
The company also announced this week it will be pursuing other technology-related innovations.
Starbucks will also be launching a digital network with Yahoo. "The idea is to offer exclusive content, previews, services, free downloads and local community news," according to ZDNet.