ChatGPT to answer Question Hub

Dani 1 Tallied Votes 183 Views Share

As you may know, Google Question Hub lets you type in keywords or topics you wish to write about on your site, and you're presented with a list of questions that Google wants to encourage you to write about. For example, I typed in PHP and was presented with questions such as:

  • What is shell script in PHP?
  • Where to test PHP code?
  • How to make PHP work?

I assume that these are search queries that a non-negligible number of people searched for on Google, and Google detected the content that exists out there for them to be sub-par. Therefore, they want to encourage high quality writers to provide better content so they can provide better results for their searchers.

As of January 5th of this upcoming year (just a few short weeks away), Question Hub will end and instead be migrated into Google Search Console as an experimental feature named "Content ideas". It's yet to be determined if this is going to happen for all search console users, or just certain ones (perhaps ones who have consistently demonstrated a history of high quality content on their site?)

Either way, it got me thinking with the recent popularity of ChatGPT. Imagine just how easy it would be to plop each of these Google-sourced questions straight into the popular A.I. content creator. If there's no existing quality content answering these questions already that Google could find, imagine ChatGPT taking a go of it. It's probably one of the reasons that Google is announcing all ChatGPT content is against their search quality guidelines.

rproffitt 2,693 Moderator

If Google doesn't pickup an AI system soon, someone else will. I already have a good idea that programming as we once knew it may be changing before our eyes. Nod to TabNine here.

A buddy over in a commercial setting is Art AI as a possible source of background art for, well, I can't say much more other than it will help cut costs in the project.

We may be witness to yet another Guttenberg printing press moment in history.

Dani 4,543 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

I already have a good idea that programming as we once knew it may be changing before our eyes. Nod to TabNine here.

A lot can be done without any AI, and just very simple heuristics. For example, the DaniWeb Connect API has a swagger file which is a JSON file that describes all of the endpoints, their parameters, and sample output. You can import that file into one of many, many open-source Swagger tools that automatically generates complete API libraries in your language of choice, well-commented of course, as well as human-friendly documentation with your choice of formatting and UI. It makes it really simple to get up and going very fast with any API that supports Swagger.

As far as whether Google "picks up" an AI system ... I think the more important criteria is if Google's algorithm becomes capable of detecting AI content from human-edited content. If they aren't able to do that fairly soon, it can really lead to the downhill quality of search results.

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