Hello everyone...

Please advice how to make the users profiles on www.myDBonline.com to be indexed in Google? The link structure is following -- URL/username, for example:

We tried sitemaps (listing all profile links in a sitemap) but google did not index a single profile.

Many thanks

it also is challenging to make information in portlets visible, like articles, blogs, comments, databases, etc.. i would be thankful for any tips..

Are the profile pages password protected?

Thanks for your attention... Here are example of different types of profile layouts: http://mydbonline.com/FAQ, http://mydbonline.com/JMStriplin, http://mydbonline.com/KawarthaWines, http://mydbonline.com/ATMIC, http://mydbonline.com/TTSYCN, http://mydbonline.com/TEMPLATES, http://mydbonline.com/SUPPORT, http://mydbonline.com/globalbizmart

As you see, visitors can access these pages but acting is only for signed-in users. Users them self configure security of their profile, define layout and contents.

Thanks again,
Ramiz Aliev

...any other questions? please share you experience take a look what we have done at www.mydbonline.com we are open to share with you our experience too.. cheers

Submit your website URL to Google

This is a bit of a no-brainer but it really has to be first in this list. Google can’t index your website if it doesn’t know about it, so submitting your homepage URL is definitely the best place to start.

This may not be the quickest indexing method but it’s a safe and sure one to start you off.

...any other questions? please share you experience take a look what we have done at www mydbonline com we are open to share with you our experience too.. cheers

This smells like someone looking for an excuse to dump their links all over the place. We know the URL, it's in your first post and there's a bunch of them in the response you made to your first post and then the response you make to the response you made to your first post ...

There are some things you can do so that Google indexes your web page within 48 hours and not within weeks.

Tip 1: Get a link from an existing site

Tip 2: Create an external blog

Tip 3: Get as many links as you can

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