I have a blog http://visit-tourism-nepal.blogspot.com . I want to boost the traffic of blig. Is Directory Submission is helpful.

I would rather have you spend time writing quality posts on your blog than submitting to directories. Quality content will make visitors bookmark your site and keep them coming back. Sure directories will increase your link count, but the amount of traffic you get from them is typically small.

I'd have to agree, I haven't seen a whole lot of activity coming from blog directories. However I have done some backlink work on different related sites that involve topics I may discuss. I've also noticed that twitter is helpful because you get to give a subject and the link.

Submit your blog to blog directories, blog commenting and RSS Feeds helps. Engaging on other techniques such as article submissions, classified ads, social bookmarking, press release and forum posting helps.

Directory submission does take a lot of time, there is not too much affect, however it is still helpfull. I usually just use semi-automated free service at http://www.easysubmits.com and their list is more than enough for me... :)

do article submission and forum posting, it helps you to boost traffic and gain quality backlinks.

Yes it may help. But social bookmarking is the best way to build traffic.


submit your blog to blog catalog with enough content in it.

Also i suggest you to participate in discussions in blog catalog. try to find other bloggers who are interested in link exchange with your blog.

forum posting and social bookmarking would be a great techniques to boost traffics..

Try to create more accounts on social bookmarking sites, because it is very helpful, it can gain more traffic, like stumbleupon, digg, propeller, and a lot more.

Blogs just like websites are working based on queries and finding the pages and by using the keyword suggestion tools, you first of all need to know what topics to write about for generating traffic.

Submit blog to blog directories.Join blog community.Leave comments on blog.

Only use the best directories, add listing in too many of them takes time and energy and it's sometimes worthless. Dmoz, Yahoo directory, Look Smart, Best of the web are the best ones.

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