It's no secret that getting quality of back links helps boost website traffic. Here are some techniques to help you get started with link building and SEO:

- article submissions

- comment on blogs

- classified ads

- directory listings

- link exchange

- forum posting

- press release

- social groups - facebook, linkedin, etc

- social bookmarking


SEO is about quality NOT quantity!

-Links don't bring in traffic if they are from directories or crap sites that nobody visits.

-It's all about the quality of the links and knowing where to find them. What other websites does your target market visit online?

-Do some research into your keywords/industry/competition/customers/etc and you'll probably find some great links out there that will bring in tons of traffic!

-Analyze your keywords/website analytics and check bounce rates... optimize pages as needed.Add articles and keyword content pages as needed

-Add value for customers


If you have any comments or questions send them over!

Very true comment indeed. Another important factor in optimizing SEO is not to follow any black hat SEO tactics.

This is the pure list for off page optimization. Follow this list and get beautiful results

yea good post.....Can you let me know what to do else more to promote website....

Nice post!
I have an questions that Every one say that we should try to get quality back links so I want to know that which back link called quality back links. A back link from high PR site or back link from related to our niche. Please clarify that which back links is actually called quality back links.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

If you are getting links from totally unrelated pages then you are wasting time.

Quality links have both high PR and are relevant to the topic of the page your linking to.

If you have a page about 'widget a' then your links should be from related sites about 'widget a'

Quality Backlinks are proven effective rather than quantity, For ranking purposes quality is the game but if conversions I suggest quantity.

Nice post!
I have an questions that Every one say that we should try to get quality back links so I want to know that which back link called quality back links. A back link from high PR site or back link from related to our niche. Please clarify that which back links is actually called quality back links.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Quality backlinks are backlinks left at sites that have a very good PR and that have quality content and are reliable sources. The reason it should be quality is simple, say you post 300 backlinks but those links were left at sites that no one visits and have no PR or a PR1, you are better off leaving 100 links at 100 PR5 and above sites. That is what quality refers to.

The above list refers to all of the techniques in Off-Page SEO which are used to help build the quality links needed.

I´m not sure if I agree with this narrow focus on "quality backlinks" only. My experience is that "a link is a link" and always gets you some results. I mean, the ideal is of course to create links from PR 5+ sites with the same topic as your site, but I have seen great results with much - in theory - "weaker" links aswell.

With regards to SEO, remember these things:

On-Page Optimization - it deals with the proper use of title tags, meta tags, keywords, description, alt attributes (use for describing images), content, h1/h2 tags, sitemap and robots.txt.

Off-Page Optimization - its responsible for creating inbound links. Article submission, blog commenting, press release, classified ads and social bookmarking are just some of the techniques that fall under Off-Page.

Quality backlinks are backlinks left at sites that have a very good PR and that have quality content and are reliable sources. The reason it should be quality is simple, say you post 300 backlinks but those links were left at sites that no one visits and have no PR or a PR1, you are better off leaving 100 links at 100 PR5 and above sites. That is what quality refers to.

The above list refers to all of the techniques in Off-Page SEO which are used to help build the quality links needed.

Great post. Now I know that having back links from high PR sites and relevant sites are more important than having so many back links from crap sites with no PR.

Yes links from low PR sites can be a great source of traffic... there are lots of newer sites out there that haven't grown through the PR ranks

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