Sorry if I am in the wrong place but I used my search engine to find out about THEIR techniques and up came you. Then I had to register to use the service.

I realize I can set up different accounts for people who use my network or pay to have additional services put in place with my Security provider. However, sometimes when I've tried doing this I ended up having too many complications -- like not being able to get to a charity dealing with Aids in Africa because it mentioned sex (sexually transmitted for example).

So all I want to know is can I block certain words from being used for the rare occasions when my 19-year-old son comes to visit? (Now the name comes up permanently on my autofill).

Yeah, I did tell him it's not cool to access that stuff on Mom's home computer no matter how old he is....but if that's all it took to keep guys away from porn sites - their Mom telling them off - the porn industry wouldn't exist.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Wait! Slow down there. You're a little confusing.

What do you mean you used YOUR search engine? Did you write your own search engine? Are you talking about the Google custom search engine?

Yes I do mean Google. I searched Google for a way to do this and your site was one of the ones it sounded like I should go to. But it also said on the top of one of your pages that people were supposed to stop mentioning 'brand names' like Google so I tried to get around it with 'my'.

I think you misunderstood. This section of the site, Site Management, is a place for website owners to talk about promoting their own websites in the search engine. The no site specific policy we have relates to people plugging their own companies.

You need to ask your question in the Web Browsers forum of our Technical Support section here:

Good luck!

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