i want to know about search engine optimization, how it works, how to give page ranking, what is use of SEO

give me tutorials or reply anything

Here is a good resource to get started with SEO : http://www.seomoz.org/articles

As for your specific questions, PageRank was designed by Larry Page of Google. It is only used by Google. It determines the value of a web file. In general files that have high PageRank have an easier time ranking but it does not guarantee high rankings. Google uses over a hundred factors in determining ranking and PageRank is just one of those factors.

SEO will help the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN etc) to crawl and index your site then rank your site for relevant keywords that will drive you traffic to your website.

Clarification: The PageRank that goodroi mentioned is an algorithm that gives a rating to the number of incoming links you have from other websites to a particular page on your site. It is just one factor in the algorithm that ranks sites in the search results.

give me tutorials for SEO
i want from basics good tutorials

give me tutorials for SEO
i want from basics good tutorials

Click on some of our links to tips and SEO advice. The minute you publish an SEO book it becomes obsolete. SEO is the art of positioning web pages at the top of the search engine results pages and sustaining that presence in industry specific and competitive keyphrase arenas. SEOs master the on-site web elements. SEO experts are not link usually link strategists (link schemers) they craft the content to earn it's own links naturally.

my advice is for building links is to see where your competitors have links and put your links there

this my Diamond advise

also you can find in wikipedia about Seo

If your looking to increase your websites presense on the internet we will provide you with a detailed insight into the world of Search Engine Optimization, so let us begin with this broken down introduction to SEO. In the current age having your site online is only one step towards making your mark on the internet, it's incredibly easy to get online but once you get online you will probably encounter a common dilemma, where are the visitors? Undoubtedly you have joined the many millions of websites that fall into the abyss of the search engine's, if you are fortunate to get listed by them at all. You may not think search engine positioning affects you but if you own or operate a website, it does. If you any ambitions for your website then you have to cater for this increasingly important webmaster role.

Search engine optimization is more than making your site rank well in the major search engines, it's about integrating it seamlessly into your page design without your visitors even being aware exists. SEO is an on going task that all webmasters need to undertake in order to keep reasonable positioning within search engines and recieve the subsequent traffic it brings. A common mistake many people make is to optimize their site once and believe that they can hold a rank, this might be true for some obscure key words but there is so much information flowing around the internet that there will always be someone willing to take your site on for rankings.

It is important to remember the complex algorithms search engines use to determine your position calculate thousands of different factors, you cannot rely on one to keep ahead of the game. SEO Assistance will bring you an indepth view into the world of search engine positioning, we have broken it down into easily digestible sections so you can move your site up inch by inch. One downside to keeping your website in the public eye is that it requires a constant effort but if you are planning to sell a product or keep your website active, it is definitely worth it.

i want to know about search engine optimization, how it works, how to give page ranking, what is use of SEO

give me tutorials or reply anything

If your looking to increase your websites presense on the internet we will provide you with a detailed insight into the world of Search Engine Optimization, so let us begin with this broken down introduction to SEO. In the current age having your site online is only one step towards making your mark on the internet, it's incredibly easy to get online but once you get online you will probably encounter a common dilemma, where are the visitors? Undoubtedly you have joined the many millions of websites that fall into the abyss of the search engine's, if you are fortunate to get listed by them at all. You may not think search engine positioning affects you but if you own or operate a website, it does. If you any ambitions for your website then you have to cater for this increasingly important webmaster role.

Search engine optimization is more than making your site rank well in the major search engines, it's about integrating it seamlessly into your page design without your visitors even being aware exists. SEO is an on going task that all webmasters need to undertake in order to keep reasonable positioning within search engines and recieve the subsequent traffic it brings. A common mistake many people make is to optimize their site once and believe that they can hold a rank, this might be true for some obscure key words but there is so much information flowing around the internet that there will always be someone willing to take your site on for rankings.

It is important to remember the complex algorithms search engines use to determine your position calculate thousands of different factors, you cannot rely on one to keep ahead of the game. SEO Assistance will bring you an indepth view into the world of search engine positioning, we have broken it down into easily digestible sections so you can move your site up inch by inch. One downside to keeping your website in the public eye is that it requires a constant effort but if you are planning to sell a product or keep your website active, it is definitely worth it.

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