How can we increase PR of our website ?

hey there are so many thread about on page optimization here.try to the way try to read this. it might help you.all the best

PR depends on the quality of inbound links, choose quality link partners, minimizing reciprocal linking and prioritizing One-way links.

Get lots of incoming links from lots of quality sites.

It is calculated through backlinks so gain more backlinks

What is the infatuation with PR nowadays? Google's PR toolbar is completely irrelevant and no one knows the real truth to everything it takes to rank well in Google's SERPS.

You can try these too - work on Article Marketing, Write and publish your own unique quality articles which will help the visitors and solve their purpose, thus increase backlinks. Taking part in Blogs & Forums by which you can share your idea, comment on the post and get answers from the posted blogs. Ads and e-mail marketing, Search Engine Submission and Related Links from other websites.

How can we increase PR of our website ?

You can do directory submission , blog posting, link exchange program, article submission with all these methods you can increase your PR.


pr depends on quality links so try to get higher pr backlink

You can do directory submission , blog posting, link exchange program, article submission with all these methods you can increase your PR.


Thanks for your wonderful information. Do you have any other techniques except these because i tried all these techniques.


You can increase the page rank of your website by directory submission, social bookmarking, article submission, Press Releases, blog posting etc. Another method which really give me very high quality back links is to make pages on hubpages, squidoo and other sites like these. Create pages which are relevant to the content of your site and give link to your site there. It really helps to improve page rank.


Along with the Off page activities, please also look into onpage activities such as content uniqueness and keyword density.

It is calculated through backlinks so gain more backlinks

Quality of backlinks is more important then quantity. A website having 1000 backlinks may have PR 0 comparing to a site having PR 2 with only 200 backlinks.

Thanks for your wonderful information. Do you have any other techniques except these because i tried all these techniques.


You can do SMO and SEM that's really help you in your ranking.

One thing u have to remember, that is Every piece of content on your website needs to be optimized.

Your content should be keyword driven without being overwhelmingly keyword stuffed. You should make sure that your content is well written, high quality, original and informative, and that it uses the right keywords in order to increase your page rank.

When you post new content regularly, Google will be much more likely to return time and time again in order to index your website and all of your new content.

A new way u may wanna try!

Sponsor or buy custom wordpress themes and give them away for free.Submit them to wordpress themes directories,you will have a link in footer of every blog that uses that theme.

You can also translate wordpress plugins to your native language to get more backlinks.Tip: Get a PageRank 6 backlink from CSS Naked Day if you translate their simple page into another language.

PR (Page Rank) is calculated based on the number of back links that you are getting. In order to get more back links, engaging on the techniques like forum posting, social bookmarking, classified ads, link exchange, press release, online groups and article and directory submission helps. Just make sure to get quality of back links. Quality is better than quantity right?


i think quality of backlinks from relevant website is prime important in getting good PR to that website (preferbly backlinks which uses same keywords of that relevant to website.)

Any views on same.??

Lot of things to improve your website:
Use H1 tag
Proper Title
Search Keywords related to your website and use in your website
inbound lins, out bound links
Submite website into directories like (dmoz,yahoo etc)

Hope will understand my few useful tips for youe website.

I think PR depends on how much good your web site in terms of contents, internal linking and you should have not any 404 pages also

Create some good quality back links related to theme of your website and also use niche social media related to your website

One of the important factors in order to get high PR value is the number of back links that you are getting. In order to get back links, engaging on the techniques such as forum posting, blog commenting, article submissions, classified ads, press release and social bookmarking helps. Just make sure to get quality of back links. Quality is better than quantity right?

Increase your backlink and visitor

to get site traffic its so easy and you will get instant result. but it takes time for a website to get good PR. all depends on proper SEO and quality of your website.

Article marketing is best way to get can try paid services like linkvana or something like this..there are more ways to get back link but cant be expose publicly...if wants to know more just send me a pm i will help you .

Link building is an extremely important part of improving your Google search engine rankings as soon as possible. When other websites on the internet create links to your website, Google looks favorably upon your website and will rank you higher.

This is because you will be perceived to have a higher level of authority than before, if other websites on the internet are linking to you. Participate in link exchange campaigns or find other ways to create links to your website from other places on the internet.

Is there any Backlinks Building website which can give good quality backlinks for exchnge. I want to exchange quality backlinks to SNIP
awaiting reply,

Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search.

Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page's content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it's a good match for your query.

U want PR, then good content plus high quality backlinks gonna help!

Website promotion can be easily implemented with the help of some professional web development company. You should look for effective web promotion plans while selecting any of the Web Development Company. Content Management of your website is key part for web promotion. I recommend you to take the services of SNIP which offers latest web promotion strategies in their design plans.

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