Is it possible to geotarget an Overture campaign, the same way I can do with AdWords?

Hi there!

I have the same problem with geotartgeting with Overture, so I came up with the following approach. All of my overture keywords are general (high search volume), and my add/listing is region specific. With this approach I was able to obtain overture approval, etc.

For example, I'm a mortgage broker and sometimes choose to advertise in specific states. On the listing title, instead of saying "free mortgage quote", I say "free mortgage quote - California home".

Good luck!
Hugh Creighton

Overture actually came up with geotargeting PPC before Google!

Anyone know of any good articles/tutorials about effective geotargeting?

I think Overture has different interfaces / logins / accounts for the various different regions they serve

for example, I advertise on Overture for "seo book". my seo book ad does not show on their UK site

For that Yahoo UK & Ireland link you posted, sure your SEO Book doesn't appear in the sponsored results area, but you are #1 and #3 in the natural SERPS.


Please stop going around bumping year old threads with smiley faces.

Sure hun u can geo target the YPN Ads , i have the scripting for that and some necessary files , it will basically geo target just the US based traffic and the rest of em will see whatever u want Adsense or whatever =)

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