why Google update PR so frequently ? is there any reasons behind it ?

Who says they do? What are you going by? (I don't know for sure, I'm just asking what you're basing your question off of)

Google updates PR constantly because it wants to determine which sites are valuable or not. And I'm not a big fan of PR. The display PR is simply a rounded off value determined from a logarithmic scale that can be easily manipulated.


yep... I have also noticed that Google updating PR very frequently from last couple of months.

Are you guys talking about the green bar in the Google toolbar? If so, it's meaningless :)

well, that's the process and everyday many site is born I think that's why Google update PR frequently.

Google might be tracking the sites which are involved in buying and selling links, Google can penalize or drop their page rank anytime. This could be the reason Google might be updating the Page rank so frequently.

Yes, they do ... but, as mokmok pointed out, new pages are being created and deleted every single day, new links are being added and removed every day, so there's ALWAYS going to be flucation as pagerank is continuously created and deleted.

PR update is an ongoing or a continuous process that includes both the old and new websites. The point is that it never stops. ;)

Google pr update is every three or fourth month

its so fast because internet is very dynamic and thousands of new sites are born every day....And google s strictly concerned about the contents in a website.if a website is not up to the level they expect from the previous page rank ,they will surely reduce the rank

Google updates public PR every 3 months. However real PR updates on regular basis and hidden from public view. Anyway, why does this problem disturb you? :)

that why Google is number one

I've kinda been researching this for a bit. I noticed that over the past few months there have been several page rank changes to many different sites. Specifically social bookmarking sites. I have several hundred of them cataloged and noticed a difference of sometimes 2 levels of page ranking in a short time, perhaps 2 months.

I haven't arrived at any conclusions yet, but now I'm intrigued about private vs. public page rank. I hadn't heard of that before. Very interesting!


Google updates pr but not frequently. Before it takes 3-4 months but lately you can't predict on the exact month because sometimes they update pr in every 2 months.

If you are talking about Page Rank (PR) then Google update it once in three month and other changes in rankings and result pages are continuous process.

why Google update PR so frequently ? is there any reasons behind it ?

No one knows what's the reason behind it but it's google algorithm. All of us didn't know why they keep of updating backlinks and pr.

Google update PR frequently because there are many thousands of pages added every day on internet and new sites pages links to many pages and so it won't be a good idea to update the less frequently.

completely agree with bob and cscgal, PR are meaningless, but they have much value for advertisers. Basically, bob is right, PR are done to find out the sites selling links. I have noticed after every update that many sites gets impact due to selling links. Selling links can hurt your site page rank on google.

Are you guys talking about the green bar in the Google toolbar? If so, it's meaningless :)

if google put a green bar then it have meaning in search engine and also for people who use it ...because it present site relevancy .

There are thousands of websites on the internet growing up each day, google keeps on changing Algorithm from time to time to make sure that the people get the most relevant information whenever they Search for it.

let's hope Google come up with a weekly PR update because it seems that a lot of people are still concerned about their web PR values, although it is clear that rankings are determined by other ways.

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