Hello All,

I would like to know your experience regarding new search engine launched by Microsoft ie Bing.

I liked its layout and it is simple and has an easy navigational structure.

I would also like to know whether you use any other search engine ( other than Google).

The best thing I like about bing is that if you search "Search Engine Optimization", you will spot my website on page 1. ;)

Please share your thoughts regarding Bing

I like Bing's flyouts next to their results. Though their results appear to be the same as what they produced with Live.

Google is still my primary search engine. I use Yahoo and on occasion use Ask.

Nice to know your thoughts. If it becomes more popular than Google, then surely it will be a huge huge blow to Google guys.

The search engine looks promising and lets hope for the best :)

Well its fine but google is my preference.

i personally use Google as my primary search engine then yahoo as my second.. live and bing are still the same.. the only difference is the wallpaper behind.. if i would choose between live search and bing.. i would definitely choose live search

i THINK it is too early to comment on bing...let it be a little bit more older... but i love its background..and results are also ok...

so now i would like to prefer wait and and watch policy..

Bing has a nice look to it. Plus I am receiving very good traffic to one of my humor sites. I think people have been waiting for another very good search engine and this bing seems to be coming out the gate running.

So far bing has given me what I am looking for as good as or better than google and cuil or yahoo


I liked the most video and image search features of bing.com

I didn't know they already launched bing. I'll look it up and see whether its better than google. I have used google since they became popular and I have no complaints.

The best thing about bing is that there are few websites which are receiving more search clicks from bing as compared to Google.

I would wish bing to break Google monopoly. These guys push you hard to install Chrome while you access their analytics. Google has got only one job to left ie to spy on entire internet users and their behaviour :(

I have used it occaisionally and it seems to work well. I am a devoted Google user but in reality, I use google because it works well and it is in the toolbar of my browser. I am of the opinion that if you know what you want to find and have a good idea of what keywords will get you there it doesn't matter much what engine you use. That is in my personal life. When I am looking to get my clients website in the best possible position I pay the most attention to the big three.

Don't be surprised if Google will announce a bigger and better Google search engine in the near future in response's to Microsoft's Bing.

Don't be surprised if Google will announce a bigger and better Google search engine in the near future in response's to Microsoft's Bing.

At this point I view Bing much the same way I used to view Frontpage (especially as a part of Office). Looks nice, seems to produce somewhat usable results but I am not certain how serious Microsoft is in regards to it. We shall see. I saw an interesting item that the Korean corporation that owns Lycos is trying to re-invigorate it in Europe. I wonder if this is the first step in trying to make Lycos a challenger to the big three. At this point they have a lot of work ahead of them but it makes you wonder.

Due to Google's current market share of search engines, I strongly doubt Bing will easily displace Google. Though Bing may displace secondary search engines like Yahoo. If Bing made an easy integration with Firefox, Bing may even get more users that way as well. Who knows. Time will tell.

Due to Google's current market share of search engines, I strongly doubt Bing will easily displace Google. Though Bing may displace secondary search engines like Yahoo. If Bing made an easy integration with Firefox, Bing may even get more users that way as well. Who knows. Time will tell.

Your note brings up another question in my mind, that being why don't the search engine's design for easy integration with all of the browser apps? I understand that google will work better with chrome and bing will work better with explorer but as these apps area all free there is no financial reason that I can see to not make them optimized for all. I also understand it is a bragging point from a marketing perspective to say 'more people use our browser than our competitors' but when it gets down to is the advertising in the search engine is going to bring the revenues so why not optimize for all browsers? Just one of those random thoughts that wanders around my brain when I am working through a problem, so thank you for indulging me.

Microsoft give new look to its search engine by changing name and updates the functionality but now it is very difficult to chase Google and its market.

Citigroup just released a report that the study found that Google was more useful than Bing.
I wonder who else will release similar studies.

Citigroup just released a report that the study found that Google was more useful than Bing.
I wonder who else will release similar studies.

The question here is why would CitiGroup care unless they have some vested financial interest in Google. And if they do, the very fact that they are releasing a report about a study would call into question their report and even the study.

Citigroup just released a report that the study found that Google was more useful than Bing.
I wonder who else will release similar studies.

I did not click on the graphic in your post initially but I just did after seeing some of the other report statistcs over at another site. They are basing their report on 200 searched over a 15 day period. I learned along time ago while working in market research that poll and research data can be looked at in a number of different ways to get the desired result. The sample they are using is so small that the report does not seem relevant.

To follow up on my previous post, taking into consideration the test data sample, I would be interested to know if CitiGroup has a financial interest in Google and released this report to protect any investements.

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