Just read that a few weeks after Yahoo Images added the creative commons search filter, Googles Images did the same. Also, the option is not in the user interface so the filter has to be set by adding a parameter to the URL. The first question to be asked is why has Google not announced this? And why have they not made the new functionality part of the user interface? Those are questions for Google. The question I have for the Forum is how much of an impact will this have on your SEO efforts?

I also read this morning that Sergei Brin from Google is personally spearheading a project to beef up Google's search engine in responds to Microsoft's Bing. Perhaps your comments about the image update will be announced as part of a bigger and better search engine capability by Google. Who knows....

I also read this morning that Sergei Brin from Google is personally spearheading a project to beef up Google's search engine in responds to Microsoft's Bing. Perhaps your comments about the image update will be announced as part of a bigger and better search engine capability by Google. Who knows....

It is possible but I cannot understand how or what Google could be beefing up to in response to Bing. Yes, the flyouts in the search results are interesting and the fact that you can see mini-previews of videos before clicking on a link can be helpful. Are they going to redo the homepage to include a theme picture with little hotspots? I don't see that as a big advantage except if you were going to monitize the results of clicking on the hotspots.

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