I was reading a blog post about optimizing internal links and the blog said that if you use drop down menus for site navigation you are hurting your SEO efforts. I would assume the blogger was advocating some sort of tree navigation but he does not say. I was wondering if there was some truth to this assertion?

I was reading a blog post about optimizing internal links and the blog said that if you use drop down menus for site navigation you are hurting your SEO efforts. I would assume the blogger was advocating some sort of tree navigation but he does not say. I was wondering if there was some truth to this assertion?


Basically there are mainly three types of dropdown menus...

1. CSS Based menus
2. java Script Based Menus
3.Flash Based menus

According to search engine friendliness, you should prefer CSS based menus.. as in this format links are present on the page itself and they will off page in java script and other format..

So i think that if you are using proper drop down menu than there should be no issue related to the search engine point of view..

... So i think that if you are using proper drop down menu than there should be no issue related to the search engine point of view ...

I tend to agree with this assessment. As long as the search engine can find the anchors all should be well but some scripted drop-downs can be tricky for even the search engine robot to decipher so it is usually wise to offer an alternative linking choice; such as the standard type of textual anchors to the important webpages within the website. This can be placed in either the web page Header or Footer, or within the actual content. Doing so will ensure two things: the search engine will unquestionably find the important links and for accessibility reasons such as when a browser has scripts disabled the Internet visitor will be able to find the important links regardless.

search engines can process css dropdown links, they are starting to process javscript dropdown links and flash dropdowns are great if you want to hide links from search engines. it is best to make it as easy as possible for the search engines so stick with css and avoid javascript.

if you really want to help your seo efforts you should focus on links that you use WITHIN your content. google is very good at identifying and devaluing navigations links and other run of site (ros) links. for a link to get full value it should be embedded within your content. by placing much more value on links that are embedded within content and much less value on ros links google is able to avoid having your privacy policy rank #1 for your site. go back and make sure your important pages are embedded within your content with good anchor text.

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