I am interesting to hear opinions on various software suits or web based services that SEO professionals use to automate their work and leverage while consulting clients.

How happy are you with them?

What do you use to make full domain analysis?
What do you use to accelerate backlinks building process?

good question.
also want to know the answer :)

I use webcomp analyst, keyword Elite, for my SEO campaign.

I have also started to try Brute Force SEO......but it is very costly....so i do know if i will continue with this..

Stephen can you please update us after a while on how do you like those tools?
Thank you.

I think the best software on the market today is Notepad. Learn how to use Notepad and you'll be well on your way to becoming a decent search engine optimizer.

I'm a SEO expert so called lolx, well I am doing SEO but its been years I do manual rather then using a software, Software is not good for SEO!!! Well I think if you planning to buy 30 $ to 60 $ software its better to buy services of SEO expert in 5 $ to 30 $!!!

I am interesting to hear opinions on various software suits or web based services that SEO professionals use to automate their work and leverage while consulting clients.

How happy are you with them?

What do you use to make full domain analysis?
What do you use to accelerate backlinks building process?

what did u exactly mean ? SEO software? do u mean SEO tools?

I think the best software on the market today is Notepad. Learn how to use Notepad and you'll be well on your way to becoming a decent search engine optimizer.

as far as I know, NOTEPAD is sitebuilder , not so called seo software,dude

as far as I know, NOTEPAD is sitebuilder , not so called seo software,dude

Thanks. I was trying to make a point.
Notepad is a primitive text editor that originally came out with the first commercial version of Windows (3.11 I think). My point was that trying to find shortcuts using software for link building, webpage submissions etc. is quite dangerous, from an SEO perspective. As a matter of fact, many of these paint-by-number website creators puke out some horrendous code; full of errors (ie: links embedded into links, or having three Titles, or having unclosed Heading tags etc.) that diminish a webpage's credsibility with the search engine; the Internet browser (Explorer, Opera ...) compensates for these sloppy messes but the SEs are not so easily convinced that the webpage has been crafted in a way that indicates it is important to the web designer/SEO. When something is intended to be a value it should be well constructed.
In SEO, first learn how to write in HTML, line by line, tag by tag. Notepad works well for this exercise. After a while, merge into a half-decent HTML editor to speed up repetitive processes but work in the code and not in WYSIWYG. Apart from that, an SEO doesn't really require any other software to be effective.
That's what I meant.

I am agree with canadafred..i am also not depends on the software for the submission (like directory, article etc)...
but i think that for the project management, ranking analysis and back link checking i think that software are good ..because they will accurate in this case and less time consuming...

I am currently using web ceo for the ranking analysis ..a dn seo elite for other mention tasked..

what you say

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