Keywords are the base of any SEO campaign and placing your keywords appropriately not an is not easy task. Here you can find some points about where to add keywords and keyword phrases which may help you;

1. Add Keywords in title tag: title is the best place to add your targeted keywords. The text written inside the title tag displays in search results as your page title. It should be be short and limited to 6-7 words in it. It will be better to add targeted keyword in the beginning of title tag.

2. Add Keywords in URL: Adding your keywords in website URL is also a good idea.

3.Add Keywords in heading tags: Adding keywords in heading tags like H1, H2 and H3 is as beneficial as putting them in page title. Do not use words like: and, for, the, or etc. as they are ignored by search engine spiders. Try to make best possible use of this place.

4.Add Keywords in meta tags: Meta tags are not so important as earlier. Major search engine like google do not consider it but still it is valuable for other search engines like yahoo, msn. So if you are optimizing for yahoo and msn then add your keywords properly.

5.Add Keywords in Alt tags: Search engine spiders are unable to read images or graphics. If you have images in your web page then make sure to include main keyword(s) in the ALT tags, but never over do it as your ranking could be dropped in the result.

6.Add Keywords in anchor text: Anchor text is really an important place to add keywords. Do not create simple internal link with anchor text like “Click Here” or "visit this link" instead of this you can use your keywords relevant to the page. It becomes more important in case of inbound links as it will be regarded as a vote from another site for a particular keyword to your site.


Your suggestion is elementary.

Repeating keyphrases in each of these webpage components is over-optimizing and essentially of little value to the Internet visitor.

I strongly suggest the ethical SEO practice of Keyphrase Dynamicability whereas keyphrases are substantially variated; a much more rewarding practice then using the same keyphrases over and over again regardless of where they are located.

This is explained extensively on my blog.

Addition to #2, When you add keywords into your URL address, it's better SEO if you use dashes in between words, as in "waterjet-cutting-minnesota" instead of waterjetcuttingminnesota, or waterjet_cutting_minnesota...

Word to the wise!

For number 2, do you mean add them to the Meta URL Title?

Looks to me that is a copied article. A couple of forums have got the same article, Either he should have posted on those forums too or he copied the article from those sites.

Not a horrible post but a little off on the META tags; the META description tag remains one of the most important aspects of on site seo. META keyword tags many say are not read by search engines anymore which I would believe except until recently I found cases where a client's website appeared to respond positively to specific keyword phrases within the meta keyword tag. So who knows for sure. The keyphrases that were in the keyword tag appeared to be doing better than those that specifically were missing.

How about keyword density in the body area, is that going to make big impact to my page visibility on the search engine...???

Nice information about keyword and tips thanks bro

keyphrase dynamicability sounds like a logical keyword optimisation technique, the question is whether it really works. it sounds more like a normal human language than repeating the exactly same phrases over and over again. i think i have heard different names for it too but it must have been the same thing

for those you are about to start a new site it good to try include in your domain name the main keyword of your campaign.

for example if you are hotel in london and you are called myhome then it's good to have a domain name like this:
myhome-hotel or

surely it becomes bigger and that is a bad thing, but it will be very easy to optimize for "london hotel"

How about keyword density in the body area, is that going to make big impact to my page visibility on the search engine...???

It does, significantly with one caution though.

Avoid over-repeating a keyphrase and having it spread out like a wildfire throughout the optimizable web page components (such as the paeagraphs, Headings, Title, Description, tag attributes, anchors, image names etc.).

Get versatile. Write it one way in this Heading, vary it in that anchor text, pluralize it in this image, repeat it in the Description and Meta Keywords; throw in two synonymous keyphrases and drop the abbreviation over there etc. Learn and practice the art of Keyphrase Dynamicability and find out for yourself how the search engne responds. It cannot be anything other than favourably because you are crafting exceptionally well optimized content that the Internet visitor will equally enjoy and be compelled to dig deeper into your business, product, personal or service web site. That's what SEO is all about: get the qualified Internet visitor to come and then get him to buy.

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