
I am new here, so first off hi.

Anyway does anyone have advice on finding DoFollow Commentluv blogs for getting backlinks. I have tried tools like comment kahuna but they tend to just find no follow and very few at that.

Would love to get your thoughts.


Hi, I'm new too. Have you tried DoFollow Diver? When you use it to search your blog term, there are tabs under the search window for DoFollow Blogs and Comment Luv.



I am new here, so first off hi.

Anyway does anyone have advice on finding DoFollow Commentluv blogs for getting backlinks. I have tried tools like comment kahuna but they tend to just find no follow and very few at that.

Would love to get your thoughts.


I think the dofollow in comment is not important, because the search engine is not indexed the link in comments

there is a choice use http://dofollowblogsearchengine.kreview.com for finding high PR dofollow blog posts related with your website keyword so that you will get high PR and traffic ( its a google cse but works nicely for me )

The Dofollow is just a wrong word used by some people to explain a link that does not have a nofollow tag. If an important person has got the explanation set to the default then you can't override that.

thanks for this info this good info

Go to Google and search for "keyword +"post a comment"+"do follow blog", you will dound do follow blog of your niche.

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Thanks for sharing your post.

Very intresting blog post,Thanx for sharing valuable information with us.

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