tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Android Google's first ever Phone Operating System is going to be selling for only $200 dollars with a T-mobile Contract. Google's Cell Phone Android is a different type of cell phone then your used to. The Android is one of the few open source Cell Phone Operating Systems; this means developers can build API's for it that will rock your world.

I see one major problem with a open source Cell Phone Operating System; one word hackers. A open OS is great the only problem is the power it gives hackers to utilize a coding error in the OS to implant a virus, or overload the system with useless information. I know Google has had Android Open Source available to the public for a long time so there should be no errors but there's always that what "if" they missed something.

Note that a flaw would have to be major for a hacker to have the power to implant a virus via another pc into your phone; though if the hacker found a flaw in an application and not the actual Operating Systems coding it would be much easier.

A major tip: Give the Android a month or so before you buy it so you can wait for Google to fix any flaws; and be very careful who you buy your applications from. I always wait at least a month on any new software or hardware before buying it so I can make a educated decision on if it is safe and is it worth the asking price.