I have redirected my old website ygdensons.com with new one yamunadensons.com using htaccess.

But now both site are having same meta tags, title and description.
Ofcourse now ygdensons.com is redirected to new website.

My question is

Will it be consider as duplication of meta tags and content and Thereby I will find my new site harder to promote on google even black listed.

Thanks to all community members

I guess if you have redirected it to a new website..google is not going to pick up your old website meta data.
So, dont worry, you will not be given any penalty..

Thanks Stephen for the updating me about this.
So I need to start SEO for my new website right from onpage optimization followed by offpage optimization

Right, a correct 301 redirection in your .htaccess file would be safe and would be punished by Google. :)

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