
there are a lot of nice tools out there, but I wonder why I couldn't find something like this yet:

1) You type your keywords and your url into the tool.
2) The tool tells you on which search engine page (ok, most importantly in Google) your url is.

Right now, I do it manually and I'm quite convinced that there should be a tool out there to simply tell you your rank, or page no.

Thanks for reading!

You could try WebCeo. Free version is also available. It would give you the required results.

Thanks, Allison, I've downloaded it and am trying it. My first impression is good!

Now, I played with it and for a free tool, it's really nice!
Of course' it would be nice to check more than 5 keyword combinations at a time, but I certainly don't want to complain about such a nice and free tool! :)
Thanks again, Allsion!
Thread nearly solved... or does anybody have an even nicer suggestion?


hi Dominique,
I used to check manually, till you posted this thread. Now I've tried WebCeo and I feel okay with it.
If I got to know another tool, will let you know about it.


there are a lot of nice tools out there, but I wonder why I couldn't find something like this yet:

1) You type your keywords and your url into the tool.
2) The tool tells you on which search engine page (ok, most importantly in Google) your url is.

Right now, I do it manually and I'm quite convinced that there should be a tool out there to simply tell you your rank, or page no.

Thanks for reading!

you may try for seoserp.com I find it very usefull

I would recommend 'rank checker' add-on from seobook.com. You could use it on Firefox and it is of course free and return results just like some expensive tools. :)

wish this help,

Thank you all for your replies!
So we got:

* Web CEO, which is a hole suite of tools (but checks only 5 keywordphrases at once)
* The online tools at seoserp.com - oh, checks up to place 1000 in Google!
* Rank Checker - plugin for Firefox, checks multiple phrases; only for Google and Yahoo (but you can select the SE country)


I am just having single site, so that i used to check my keyword position on serp manually.

I am just having a single site, so dont prefer to use tools, I will check my SERP manually.

I suggest you to a tool for checking serp ranking which is provide keyword rank in different-2 country wise, it's pretty good tool and I hope it will be useful for you.

Check out following tool :

Well, perhaps the manual checking is still the best policy since more people prefer checking their Google web rankings only while using the online tools and free applications.

Try this one.


It's a bulk keywords serp checker so you can check multiple keywords.

Most of the tools not providing accurate users and most of the users wont use any tool to check for a keyword. Better do it manually.

I would recommend 'rank checker' add-on from seobook.com. You could use it on Firefox and it is of course free and return results just like some expensive tools. :)

wish this help,

yeh... i have use it too... it is great, easy to monitor, and u can look at the number indexed by bing, google and yahoo too...

this is the add on website https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/52177/

hope this sharing can help us

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