How often do you optimize your site with SEO? Is it once a year or every month?

hi dude, it is enough if we do once in 3 , 4 months as by that time new tactics will be invented and tested

building backlinks is doing seo work


I think SEO is an going process to rank better and get good traffic from SEs.

At the beginning I had done SEO daily to my site. After a year, I used to do only once in a week, I maintain that. Once in a week, I used to get more backlinks (about 100+) to my site. That helps my site to be steady. :)

I do it everyday, if you want to increase your traffic and maintain your ranking it takes constant work. I don't think SEO is ever done, if you stop for a significant amount of time you'll find yourself falling behind the pack.

hi.. this question may be silly.. pls clear me
1. backlinks are exchanging links between websites? Or posting our links in forums, articles, facebook,..?
2. how can i see how many backlinks i have in my website ?

im building backlinks to my sites with article distribution services almost every workday (i try to take the weekends off... but here I am surfing SEO forums...)

At the beginning I had done SEO daily to my site. After a year, I used to do only once in a week, I maintain that. Once in a week, I used to get more backlinks (about 100+) to my site. That helps my site to be steady. :)

My site is a year old...and have heard about backlinks. What are they and how would I do them?

Backlinks are important - Links from other pages that refer back to your page. The quantity of backlinks can be taken into account as an off-page factor in ranking of SERPs. For more info - go here -


I think SEO is an going process to rank better and get good traffic from SEs.

Agree with this post

It is continuous work ..

Seo is part of Marketing...

How often do you optimize your site with SEO? Is it once a year or every month?

Got to be everytime you do anything to your site. At least that's what i do. Every time I add new content or update a graphic, SEO is in the forefront

How often do you optimize your site with SEO? Is it once a year or every month?

if you optimized your site then wait for at least 3 cached after that see the result then you can make changes on it...

SEO is a long-term process. If you want to stay into top rankings, then you have to continue what you are doing!

if you update your website daily
that means you do seo work

nice feedback


One of the important aspect of SEO is to generate backlinks...and it the continuous process..

Never Stop work on your site for better result

I work once in a week.I get enough backlinks for the work.

Yes Quality related back links can boost your traffic


im building backlinks to my sites with article distribution services almost every workday (i try to take the weekends off... but here I am surfing SEO forums...)

Give me some insight on article submissions. You say you do them daily, do the articles become viral ? I'm interested in learning more about this tactic. Can you post some examples.


i have some information that help me to optimize my site the information is about seo and that is this
SEO is the use of techniques that help to optimize the results of searches done online. SEO is just one way of doing internet marketing. The term internet marketing encompasses SEO and many more marketing techniques. While SEO is extremely important, it isn’t the entire story when it comes to getting your website noticed.
If you have an online business, it’s important to create a marketing plan. Many people think they need a large budget to make a marketing plan, but that isn’t always true. Many internet marketing strategies are affordable and easy to do.
Website marketing is the best way to bring traffic to your site and to generate sales. At its most basic definition, SEO consists of using keywords and tags to help search engines rank your site high in results. Internet marketing uses SEO strategies to bring traffic to your website

If you are doing it regular so will get more page indexing in search engine and increasing your SERP

on site seo once in three month while off page seo daily. ( off page = link building + article / directory submission )

It's regular process.

What does that forum have to do with SEO? It seems like a chat room

no u see the alexa rank of that forum ... this is a pakistani news and so many more it forum .. scroll that ..

On page optimization has been done only once for the site. But off page should be done regularly to get more back links to your site.

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