hi everyone,
Can anyone guide me in SEO point of view that how to get permanent back links. Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

With Regards,

I think if you want to get permanent links, you have to pay for that. Those are applied for directories submission. Social bookmarking also, but your links may be removed by admin when they are not relevant.

You don't have to pay to get permanent backlinks. You can join forums and comment on different blog, and share something that is useful and your not just spamming. In the way you get permanent links.


There are several ways to get quality back links. High quality inbound links especially do follow links help us to improve Google SERP ranking and page rank. It also help us to get targeted traffic referred from search engines.

1. Social Bookmarking
You can find hundreds of social bookmarking sites by now in Google. Register to these social bookmarking sites and submit your website content. It will get you free back links and traffic from booming social media sites.

2. Forum Posting
Find forums that are related to your industry. Register as a member and start posting. Make use of signature link to represent your website. This will give you another set of back links from relevant forums.

3. Article Marketing
Getting a back link from article directory is permanent and can be considered as high quality. It is because, the link is from content section of article and the content is related to our industry. A link from combination of good anchored link from relevant content is what many pays for in link building campaign.


Yes, you can get permanent links doing some useful forums or blogs for making comments on it with the targeted keywords. Article and directory submissions are also useful in this way.

article submission is an example of getting permanent backlinks.


There are several ways to get quality back links. High quality inbound links especially do follow links help us to improve Google SERP ranking and page rank. It also help us to get targeted traffic referred from search engines.

1. Social Bookmarking
You can find hundreds of social bookmarking sites by now in Google. Register to these social bookmarking sites and submit your website content. It will get you free back links and traffic from booming social media sites.

2. Forum Posting
Find forums that are related to your industry. Register as a member and start posting. Make use of signature link to represent your website. This will give you another set of back links from relevant forums.

3. Article Marketing
Getting a back link from article directory is permanent and can be considered as high quality. It is because, the link is from content section of article and the content is related to our industry. A link from combination of good anchored link from relevant content is what many pays for in link building campaign.

If I may add:

4. Blog commenting
Commenting on a blog using your site as the URL (as can be seen in most blogspot and wordpress blogs)

5. Video SEO
Putting a link in an interesting video to your site is a great way to get permanent backlinks and organic traffic.

If I may add:

5. Video SEO
Putting a link in an interesting video to your site is a great way to get permanent backlinks and organic traffic.

Video SEO is one of the things am looking at now. Have you tried it? Anything that you could share with us about your experiences?

To get permanent links, you must try to link to sites using white hat seo. You can try getting more backlinks from relevant quality sites and help your ranking.

You can create readable periodic content and do article submission.

Link exchange is the better way to get permanent back link. as well as social book marking

you can do article submission, reply to forums, blog comments and all.. This is the best way to get back links still if you need more idea then you can reply me back anytime.

Thanks and REgards
Mayur Ratwani

Skype: mayur.ratwani
Yahoo: mayur.ratwani

There are various ways to get permanent backlinks, Such as article submissions, forums postings, social bookmarks, link exchanges, press releases, directory submissions, blog comments and etc. However, If you violate other sites terms and conditions OR if you simply spam others sites, your backlinks may be removed. If you do it in genuine manner, your backlinks will be there forever. :)

Join the forums and blog commenting.

social bookmarking service
blog commetns
forum posting and signatures
yahoo answers
and so on

Have a website and ensure you post relevant and resourceful contents. Sooner or later, you would gain natural backlinks.

I found this thread helpful. Thanks to the participants.

I don't think that you have to pay for getting permanent links......There are several things you can do like joining forums, article submissions,directory submissions, blog postings and the most important is regular updation of your website content which will prompt several sites to link to yours permanently......

there is no such thing as permanent backlink. The link is there till the website owner deletes them.

You can get a permanent link by writing an article and linking your keywords back to your blog or website.

One way Back Link is free so try it

Forum is the best for permanent backlink but you have to regular maintain it.Or link exchange where also u can get permanent backlink.

Main you can do off page and on page link building like directory submissions, social book marking, Press Release, Article Submissions and many more tactics like this. By doing all these tasks targeting in alternative days, you can get high ranking and traffic. Twitter, Face book, Linkedln and Friend feed are good social networking sites. Use these sites for social networking Sites. Finally improve your keyword rankings then you will get better traffic through search engines. You can get quality and permanent back links by doing article submissions, social bookmarking, forum posting etc...So try to build quality and permanent back links like this. It will helpful to get traffic.

the best way to get permanent backlink is link exchange with high pr website and relevant theme.

Link exchange with blogs in your niche and commenting on forums and blogs can serve the purpose.

I think directories and forum posting helps in permanent back links.

Press release will also helps in getting back links.

You can get permanent backlinks if you make a link bait content that would attract users to link your article's url to their site.

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