Hey guys,
Whts happening

Do you think is Your website html coding should be validate from w3c standard for high website ranking on search engines. I dont think so. but yes we should keep some basic things in our mind like use alt tag for images if u want ur site ranking good in image search because search engine cant read images other wise dont worry about validation.

i have some examples




need ur feedback and tell me m i ryt or wrong

HTML validation provides several advantages in SEO. Firstly, it indicates to the search engine that you care about your web page and haven't just thrown it together haphazourdly in haste like a microwaveable dinner. Also, erroneous code can cause for a search engine crawler to reject a deeper crawl of the web page and capturing content and links beyond the errors; incorrectly nested elements seem to be the most cumbersome. Finally, clean code loads quicker encouraging the Internet visitor to return to that web page or dig deeper in sub-level pages whereas really badly crafted code can stop a browser from displaying the web page correctly or altogether (although this is less likely to occur today as most web browser compensate for even the most sloppy stuff).

The validity is a bonus is the majority of cases. every site you code does not have to be completely valid if it works well in all browsers. Sure, having a valid code is pleasant, but if you are a large site, there is a lot that can go incorrect with your code, but doesn't forever damage the functionality of the site.


In my own experiences, it might be not necessary to pass all HTML validation though some of them are really helpful for SEO purpose like checking alt attribute of img tags.

All the best,

HTML validation should be follow.
As with all languages, there is a proper way to use it and an improper way to use it. Valid HTML is HTML that has been written in accordance with W3C and uses the correct syntax.Valid code is displayed properly and uniformly across popular browsers. Valid code is what search engines understand and will assist with SEO.Search engines read text only. When you provide an engine with invalidated HTML you loose whatever text was inside the invalid tag.

You should validate your webpages because by doing this, you know you are following web standards set by W3, validation in many people's eyes is a real pain. This shouldn't be the case. Validation is a very important factors of you code and design, I wouldn't be able to thank it enough because it can say you from serious errors occuring in your code as well spot potenial issues that don't neccersarly harm anything but pose a threat. Validation also shows to your visitors that you have taken care in coding your webpages and show that you follow standards set.

Whatever helps Google crawl your site better, the better it is for SEO, this includes error free validations.

In my own experiences, HTML validation is very Important in SEO if you want good ranking then should be use HTML validation.

For SEO, html validation is highly important. The keywords rank fast, if your webpages are validated.

There are a lot of sites on net which offers free templates accessible for download shaped by designers from around the globe. The set is growing every day so be sure to check back often for more Free Templates. I think templateyes.com is best site for free HTML template.

Yes it is necessary.HTML validation and anchor text validation are the important concept for seo purpose.And you can check it with some tool also.
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