Article submission is writing articles for submission to publications and sites. You hope to get it picked up and re-published since it should contain a hyperlink (backlink) to your site, boosting your reputation with Search Engines.

There are various submission sites and many submit to lots of them. There are services that do it for you for a fee since it is time intensive. The trick is to not duplicate your copy if you submit to multiple sites. Software is available to help you do this. Or you can use an Excel or OpenOffice spreadsheet to assist.

Blogging is writing articles on your own Blog site. Can be the same topics as above. Again, avoid duplicate content by making your blog site the original post. Blogs are not solely text, however. You can add photos, videos, podcasts, etc.

article is submitted on different article submitting websites. while blog are on bloging website. you only need it to share among diffrent website ..

I prefer blog writing. It's the only way you get to build your credibility in your niche.


In my own experiences, blog writing would be the be best channel for back linking purpose while article submitting would be nice for both traffic and quality back links purposes. :)

all the best,

i don't know what is blog can someone help me how should i write blog for my online shop sellng gadgets jewellery and much more

Blogging websites often more controversial than those who write articles, and content is quite different. There is no limit to the content of blog postings, articles in the hand sticks to the subject and the subject provides the factual content. With this being said, however, will each post or an article written by one of the people who are looking specifically for material at a given time, both blogging and article impact was viewing audience will be achieved.

Well i will go for article writing and then its submission because it helps you to get permanent and confirm backlinks...

i prefer article submission. it is much more better than blog writing.
article submission gets more more quality back links than blog writing...

Based on what I learned, Article Submission and Blog Posting are both the same. They only differ base on the links. It may be do-follow or no-follow links depends on the site.

I prefer both of them as the whole idea of delivering the right trageted content to users and make some good traffic.

Blogs are far more effective : There may be times when the writer can convey same meaning with much less efforts and less words. While blog writing, the writer can allow himself to be substandard and blunt and awkward with the wording and all she or he will receive are polite corrections from the readers. But this isn't a case while article writing, one wrong statement can create a lot of havoc in the society.

Both are good but by blogs you can get links instantally and traffic also to your main site

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