Keyword plays vital role from search engine point of view. Select those keyword which have high traffic and low competition. This will help to get a good traffic towards website.
openxcell 0 Newbie Poster
amrish2338 -2 Junior Poster in Training
Jemmie 0 Light Poster
freddavis 0 Light Poster
rahulbatra -3 Junior Poster in Training
Raunikkapoor -3 Newbie Poster
Dani 4,521 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
holisticfoods19 0 Newbie Poster
Dani 4,521 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
chiragm984 -3 Newbie Poster Banned
rproffitt commented: Why 9 years late? -3
shivya bhargava -1 Google Certified
rproffitt commented: 9 years later. Be timely. +0
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