I have two websites. I work on their SEO and get a good rank, but the rank does not prove to be stable. How to make an SEO rank better? How to become stable in Google search? Is there any way to do it?

Google is an ever evolving mystery. So no, in my opinion Google doesn't go together with stable. Keep on building a steady number of smart links and you'll stay there. Waiting is no option.

Keep on doing the right things.

- adding new content
- writing articles
- contributing to blogs
- press releases
- building backlinks
- creating videos

To name just a few. If you keep doing this CONSISTENTLY you will find your site with ALL your keywords on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The main thing is to do it EVERY WEEK.

Most people think they have to just slam together a web site and do some SEO magic and then wait for the dough to roll in. Sorry, that ain't working.

It is just as in real life: You have to keep doing the right things every day and you will get somewhere.

Yep - some good advice so far. Think about your current users as well. What can you do to keep them coming back and searching for you? Also - what unique products and services could you promote (via social media, on-site or newsletter email) that could get people talking? Any contests you could run or prizes to give away? Viral marketing is a powerful tool that can help brand your business, get people linking to you, and ultimately help sustain and increase your sites visibility in the search engines.

As still a somewhat novice SEOer the one thing I learned, along with all of the other good advice here so far, is that you keep working at it and learning. And the biggest thing I learned was that the Google Dance is a fact of life and as predictable as the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions!

All the other people so far have respondwd like idiots.

Create something worth visiting. That's it man. You don't have to seek artificial enhancement. Build something uniquely purposeful.

All the other people so far have respondwd like idiots.

Create something worth visiting. That's it man. You don't have to seek artificial enhancement. Build something uniquely purposeful.

damn dude.. anyway to artificially enhance your etiquette? :)

While I agree with the "Field of Dreams" approach, i think it imprudent to ignore basic marketing tactics.

I may sound like idiot to some..but you really should be prepared for some ups and downs in your rankings in google. It just is like that. But continue with link building and content building...

SERP fluctuation in Google or other search engines is normal. Just work hard to build more quality backlinks with your keywords and keep your sites fresh. Anything would be OK. :)

I have two websites. I work on their SEO and get a good rank, but the rank does not prove to be stable. How to make an SEO rank better? How to become stable in Google search? Is there any way to do it?

Stable rank takes time, as google ascertain the quality of the site and rank it according to its check list. For that you have to build lots and lots of backlinks, have to continuously update your site with fresh content.

For staying on the top you have to keep competition at bay, so you have to have more backlinks in comparison to your competition.

You don't get stable rankings on SERP. If you want to stay on top then you have to continue building links.

there is no guaranty that you will forever in position in the serps, SEo is a never ending process... If you want to stay in your current position or you want to improve it further just continue doing SEO...

Keep on doing the right things.

- adding new content
- writing articles
- contributing to blogs
- press releases
- building backlinks
- creating videos

Avoid using anything negative that might result in over optimization or penalty.

I have found very useful advices here, all of you are great. Just one person who said others are idiots has a negative from my side. Nobody has a right to say such words.
I have something else now which is:
See the domain-registration-status. If your domain is expiring soon, Google will certainly give you some negative points. What's your opinion about this guys?

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