Hi friends,

I want to show the details of about 3500 films in my film blog page and I wrote a php page for movie page and I rewrited its URL to SEO friendly as follows




I m very new to seo and my questions are

1. Is the above re-named method is correct for SEO
2. How to create movie.php page description, title, meta tags etc . Because it is dynamic for each movie.

please help me

Thanks in advance

1) Yes, if everything on your site are movies. Otherwise, you might wish to add another level to your directory structure such as www.sitename.com/movies/moviename and www.sitename.com/tv/tvshowname.

2) Not sure what you mean here. Is the information about all your 3500 films in a database? What is currently in the movie.php file?

1) Yes, if everything on your site are movies. Otherwise, you might wish to add another level to your directory structure such as www.sitename.com/movies/moviename and www.sitename.com/tv/tvshowname.

2) Not sure what you mean here. Is the information about all your 3500 films in a database? What is currently in the movie.php file?

Thanks for your reply and

In movies.php I made it as a frame work for showing movie's contents

ie, Roughly


select * from movies where id='$id';

echo Movie Name;
echo Director Name;
echo Year;
echo Rating;

How to dynamically add title, Meta tags and descriptions for this page

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