What is the seo benefit with rotating page titles?

What is the seo benefit with rotating page titles?

Well, I don't know about benefit but if you keep swapping Titles from one page to another then you'll annoy the search engine eventually with this silly trickery. When you construct a web page, craft a Title and keep it.

Not just annoy the search engines -- but annoy the end-users too. Browsers bookmark pages based on page titles. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook use the page title as the default anchor text when liking/sharing/tweeting. It's confusing if people think they're going to one page but end up at a page whose title isn't reflective of the link they just clicked.

And from the search engine perspective, you're never giving yourself enough time to rank for any of the keywords in the title and Google can't grab hold of what it is you're trying to say the page is about.

i appreciate for your answers..thanks.

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