Which is the best way to get traffic for my site, which one will be helpful for me, whether i should go for bookmarking or articles or through networking sites. All your suggestions are welcome.

I think social bookmarking sites are the best source to get traffic to your website. Usually I use facebook, digg, twitter, buzz and stumbleupon. and most effective site is stumbleupon

Article submission, social media marketing will drive traffic to u r website

It's great to diversify -- why not do a little of everything?

Web traffic play a vital role in determining the success or failure of your online business website. On-page or Off-page SEO are fabulous optimization methods to increase your website visibility over the Internet. Quality content, effective keyword analysis, proper structure of urls, well-defined sitemap, social bookmarking, article submission, forum posting are some of the SEO techniques those are responsible to increase web traffic.

both of them used immediate web promotion in search engine. so u can do both of them

If you only want traffic then i suggest bookmarking and articles. With proper content, you can see a rise in traffic.

I think you should do a little with all three tactics...Social bookmarking provide great one way links.

I think you should do a little with all three tactics...Social bookmarking provide great one way links.

ya. high pr one way link.

All the three are helpful in driving traffic to your site. Bookmarking and Article will only be helpful if they are high pr and do follow sites. Some sites have high pr but they are no follow sites they will only drive traffic to your site. Do follow and high pr sites will bring traffic as well as pr to your site.

These are the best ways to get more traffic.
1. Forum posting
2. Article submission
3. Blog comment
4. Press Release
5. Social bookmarking.

Link Building is the best way to get traffic for your website which includes Directory Submissions, Article Submissions ,Forums ,Blogs ,Classifieds, Bookmarking and Link Exchange will help you build links which would eventually lead in ranking higher in SERP's where you can generate a lot of traffic.SMO is also an good way to get traffic for your Website.

Google organic is best way for drive a traffic. So you need to thing how to get good position(first page result) in search result. for getting good SERP position article only is not enough.

1. Bookmarking
2. Directory submission
3. Forum positing
4. Article submission
5. Blog Comments
6. Blog creation
7. Press Release

Yeah, as Franklin said search engines are the best for getting traffic. Obviusly to get a decent ranking you need quelity backlinks and SEO.

The best way to get traffic to your site is to either buy it, or do the cold hard .. boring work.
i know it sucks, and getting traffic to your site will seem like its taking forever, but
just think of old methods, and then twist them.
i personally buy all of my traffic or get it from the search engines. mostly G.
you can look at UMT if you want to buy it, or you can do it the hard way.

Submit it to popular search engines such as google, bing,and Yahoo..........

Every off page activities have help to increase traffic. Social Bookamrking, SMO, article and classified add submission help to increase your website traffic soon.

Social Networking sites are useful to bring more traffic. and also use link exchange, blog commenting & Article submission for back links and traffic.

Post your site on social network site, you will get different user, also do forum posting, bookmarking, blog commenting

There are 2 methods SEO Rankings which will come with good SEO methods Relevant links etc.

Another methods are Article submission on top article dirs only. Social bookmarking of these articles on Digg etc.

Social bookmarking and Social media are the most useful channels to get traffic.

Getting traffics from search engines is good . Put your site to social bookmarking sites to get traffic also

social media is good for get traffic you can create a business page face book and twitter this is also good

We have to split the traffic in three ways.
1. Organic- for a organic our targeted keywords and all need to get a good position in search engine result page.
2. Direct- the user direct types the URL in address bar.
3. Referral- Social bookmarking, social networking, article submission, Press Release, classifieds posting, blog comments, web 2.0 web blog creation etc.

Which is the best way to get traffic for my site, which one will be helpful for me, whether i should go for bookmarking or articles or through networking sites. All your suggestions are welcome.

SEO off page process like: Directory, social bookmarking, classified, article, blog, comment posting, press release, e book submission, yellow page submission will helpful for you. After following it you will get most effective results for your sites.

Social bookmarking.
Classified ads.
Blog posting.
Forum posting.
Social profile.
Article submission.

These are some of the simplest, free and most effective ways to increase traffic to your website.

Backlinks are also important

Yes I agree with cscgal. Those said strategy can help you get a good number of traffic to your website... But Social Networking is the best way to get it.

Hands down on the table, organic traffic is what you should be aiming for. The traffic coming from Search engines.


Quality Content is essential for building quality traffic and Off page work like Do follow social bookmarking and Forum posting also good..

These are the best way to get the traffic.
1. Link wheel
2. Article submission
3. Social bookmarking
4. Forum posting.

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