Hello to all,
I would to ask here, Is there any SEO tool that help you to get indexed with the major search engines within 24 hrs? I heard from some genuine resources that there bare a lot of online and free SEO tools that helps you to get a very fast indexing for your site in the search engine like some kind of Google, Yahoo and so on. Have any of you any idea regarding this, Most welcome to share here.

Thanks in advance.

Don't go for such tools. They may not be as genuine as they seem to be. If you want to get your blog indexed fast, then you can send a ping using pingomatic.
What tools were suggested to you by your genuine resources?

Do not use any one.Better to google webmaster tool.

Yeah, Really Mr Johny, I do agree with you; In fact, My indication regarding this was about this tool only. So, Do you think Google webmaster tool is the best way to get indexed quickly with Google i mean within 24 hrs? what is your exp[experience in this regard?

i think you must always submit directory

Google, are in the dictionary, web search,
carry over 75% of all search traffic,
and because of this overwhelming presence, Google make "the rules",
follow the rules

Content is King,
xml sitemap
properly valid html xml css

24hour magic sites, get blacklisted
link exchange farms, get blacklisted
SEO tricks, get blacklisted

getting back into google, is much more difficult than getting into google

webmaster forum help to get index fast.

uh ... things get indexed just about as fast as they appear on the Internet, maybe within seconds now.

Are you refering to a brand new domain? Seems to me that even brand spankin' new domains can get indexed almost immediately (and should the search engine instantly find a link to it can force a crawl; can even start the process of ranking your web pages within a couple of weeks in today's SERPs (search engine results pages) arenas.

Simply tweet your new posts and it will be index within 24 hrs.
But is it very important to get indexed within 24 hrs? This doesn't guarantee that your page will get higher ranking. Getting good ranking on SERP is important. If google index that page after 48 hrs, I don't see that much problem unless it's a news website.

Don't go for any tools. You can use google webmaster tool for this task. Do your work fairly as google like quality...

webmaster forum help to get index fast.

Webmaster forum? I think You mean to suggest me for Webmasters tool if I am not wrong.

i would like to suggest you that please do not go for any kind of such a tool. if you want index soon better do blogging. from blog update your website or webpage will index soon.

Here are the tools I use for search engines:

Google - Google Webmaster
Yahoo! - Yahoo! Site Explorer
Bing - Bing Webmaster

No use any tools. Only manual submission is good.

commented: Google, Yahoo, Bing provide the tools listed in the prior post for submission and monitoring of sites to their indexes. Those are the 'white hat' tools -3

i think you must always proper submit directory

I think you should build your backlink

Link Building Techniques:-Directory Submissions,Article Submissions,Forums,Blog Commenting,Classifieds,Bookmarking,Press Release are the best way to get indexed faster.You can use Roboform software to carry out these tasks easily.

You may use pingomatic to ping your site to get indexed

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