I have never used a pay per click search engines before and am very nervous about losing lots of money either by making little or no sales. Do you have any advice on how to avoid this mistake?

Google AdWords typically offers anywhere from a $20 to $100 voucher for new members starting up (whatever the deal of the moment happens to be, I forget). In any case, it goes a little way towards playing around with getting your campaign set up. The other cool thing about AdWords is that you don't have to spend more than a penny per click and (as long as you're not geotargeted to the US) you can usually get worthwhile clicks off of it.

Set a budget. Start of slow. You can always increase your budget once you've found the magical formula on a small level. Most PPC sites are great at scaling.

Start on a small budget and cut the cost at 20 per day. As Dani said get a free coupon and use that and you should get sales.

Are you using the targeted keywords only? Why because the keywords play an important role in PPC. Please check them and take an expert advice if needed.

Setting a small budget and tracking your conversions. Also you can find a voucher online.

Most of the guys here suggest you to set small budget per day, But I don't really think that's a good idea, Small budget can save money, But we are not aim to save money, but sale.

Google AdWords typically offers anywhere from a $20 to $100 voucher for new members starting up (whatever the deal of the moment happens to be, I forget). In any case, it goes a little way towards playing around with getting your campaign set up. The other cool thing about AdWords is that you don't have to spend more than a penny per click and (as long as you're not geotargeted to the US) you can usually get worthwhile clicks off of it.

Set a budget. Start of slow. You can always increase your budget once you've found the magical formula on a small level. Most PPC sites are great at scaling.

Hi, I do agree with you.I would like to suggest this guy, Start your PPC campaign with slow gear until unless you are not getting proper understanding to change your gear in this regard. The best past of PPC campaign is you have to pay for what you have got clicked means traffic is guaranteed. And if some one clicks on your ads it means that guy is really interested for something related to your product, Means this PPC gives you a quality traffic to your site by paying a very little! Do one thing, Concentrate on targeted keywords for your campaign. You can get help from either Google ad words or from word tracker key word research tool to analyze and find out the suggested keywords for your site.

so what will u suggest?

Most of the guys here suggest you to set small budget per day, But I don't really think that's a good idea, Small budget can save money, But we are not aim to save money, but sale.

I generally set my budget higher than what I know will be used. My keywords are very specific, so that i dont have random clicks from users searching for something other than what the products are exactly that im selling. This way, even though my CTR is lower- they are quality clicks and of value, making a sale for just about each click.

I think that this technique isn't as effective to someone with a more broad sales selection, so really the way you set this all up depends on what exactly you are trying to brink in clicks for. (Hope that makes sense)

This is what I've went through with Adwords. I had a 24 hour campaign on Saturday and Sunday.
With 20 dollars for each day. I researched a lot of unique targeted keywords that are successful to run against the likes of Facebook and Twitter etc. My mistakes was my geographical targeting. With 20 dollars and you are targeting a worldwide audience man them 20 dollars was gone within an hour ugghh. Sooo! Then I brought my geographics down to 50 miles within and outside my city. Wow my ROI And CTR was excellent. Plus I was getting
real clicks, the clicks where your clients either signed up or they purchased something. Not the clicks where they are looking at your homepage and then run, losers. And I was spending 45 cent a click to be shown on the front page of Google with each keyword used. My advice is if you have a low budget do not target the world with it. It will be a downfall. Focus on targeting ppl that are relative to your keywords

I would suggest not to spend any money until you know all the basics about PPC...hope this helps

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