i would like to know how i serch my site on google on first priority.
plz help.

Yes, as Emily notes, we have a forum specifically for that. I'll move this thread over there.

your question is a HUGE one and its not something people can answer in single post but here are the basics:

2 factors:
on page SEO
and off page SEO

On page SEO includes putting your keyword in your title tag, description, meta tags and so on (plenty of good info online on this just look up on page seo)

Off page SEO includes building backlinks to your site, and at first it might seem like building backlinks is impossible but just stick to the follosing and you will be fine:

Blog comments
forum backlinks
social bookmarking
article submission (contextual links)
directory submissions

I have found that article submissions are the most effective

hope this helps :)

Google have a huge section on good webmaster practices, for onsite SEO,
what google considers bad practice for offsite SEO

Read the guidelines, Do not do any 'black hat' proceedures, its much harder to get back into indexes than it is to get in the first time

By doing seo for your site

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