I'm having trouble marketing our blog Thirdspace and am wondering if someone could give me some tips to help better my SEO - Google is generating all the wrong keywords :(

What do you mean by "Google is generating all the wrong keywords"?

I could not understand Your meaning . Explain It more

Well in Google Webmaster its giving me these keywords:

1. twitter
2. wordpress
3. posts (2 variants)
4. thirdspace
5. tumblr
6. designed
7. new (2 variants)
8. text
9. community
10. doesn
11. quote (2 variants)
12. there's
13. character (2 variants)
14. cumbersome
15. cut
16. hand
17. isn
18. people
19. smart
20. stories (2 variants)
21. style
22. unlimited
23. able
24. address
25. alan

Google will be indexing our site using these keywords, not what I want and what will generate traffic. I wish to be able resolve this issue and am looking for tips to help better our SEO, as that's why I provided the link to our site for you to have a look at.

I'm also having really having issues with my sitemap - which was generated by Tumblr and Google is always giving me excuses.

I think you have things backwards. Google doesn't rank your site before a search is performed. When a search is performed then the search engine checks every web page on the Internet that it has discovered and compares each page to the search criteria. Then it ranks web pages according to what it has determined are the best pages for that particular search. It doesn't rank anything beforehand (well, technically it does kinda' rank backlinks according to credibility). The list that it generates in Webmaster Tools are words that it has found on your web page that it thinks you think are important based on frequency of appearances in that web page (and other ranking factors).

So when someone searches for things associated with what Google has already classified as the 'appropriate keywords', it then ranks it like that? So it dynamically ranks the pages with each search which is associated with the chosen keywords? How can I change this?

Your blog title should also match to your target keyword and also matches to your blog content and build that keyword..

The list of keywords that GWT gives you is what they think are the more common/important words on your whole website.

If they are not the words you want to do well with, then you may want to think about re-writing your content so it focuses on the right words.

Quite often a website may miss direct Google on keywords. It looks like yours is doing that.

Find out why those poor words are showing up on your website, and remove the cause. Check out Google's text only cache to see what words Google is processing. http://bit.ly/jWij6Y

If it is your tumbler page then you will not have full control. The best thing to do is expand your own content so it controls the relevance of your page over tumblers own words.

Note that alt attributes on image have an influence over the keywords and is probably why the social network words are dominating.

Link Building Link Building and Link Building

Build links with anchor text

Link Wheel, Social Bookmarks, Blog Commenting, Forum Posting, Article Submission ( do a nice mix of all the above and your rankings will soar!

Take some time and do the research for On Page and Off Page SEO. Its a process and be smart and do white mat methods and you will see success. Everything should be done in moderation and only get quality links. Quality over Quantity.

How do I expand the keywords on the site. Should I change my style of writing, and also the other authors?

can you please give me an explanation of OnPage and OffPage SEO. Also resources for white hat SEO.

How should I link-build?

Thanks everyone thus far.

The keywords in Webmaster Tools is what Google thinks your website, overall, is relevant to. This is important, but less so than the 'search queries' report. that shows you what keywords you ranked for in the past 30 days, the impressions, clicks and ctr for those keywords.

a site like yours i would encourage you to find communities relevant to your topics and participate in discussions, also focus on social sharing.

you need to figure out what search terms you want for your site, how competetive they are and then form a strategy.

You could also opt for good quality link building as well, it will depend on how far you want to go and what budget you have.

I'm willing to go as far as I need to and learn what I need to. how would I perform link building and can you please recommend similar sites to ours? Thanks in advance and thus far.

You need to do anchor text for the keywords that you want to rank for. The way I see it is you need to tell Google what you should rank for. Become authoratative by getting powerful links and blogs to link to your site. The more powerful the links the higher you will rank. Quality over Quantity.

You have to be patient. Because SEO takes some time for development to take place. Incorporate all the normal SEO techniques and see what the result is. That is phase one. In the second phase, start writing articles and blogs which direct to your website. Then there is the third phase where social networks. Go through each phase step by step.

How do I anchor text?

Does anyone know any good authoritative sites that could backlink to us?

I've completed Phase one and two. Phase three, I'm still working on - Its taking quite a bit of time.

Thanks thus far, everyone.

Google gives many tips on Seo to improve traffic and ranking of your site, so search on Google.

I do that religiously everyday. I'm always learning new things but I still see no effect. Google contains alot, its about filtering them. And even though there may be good SEO tips, it behave differently for everyone

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