Almost 4 months after the previous release, launched the next version of the SEO toolbox. The new version includes 4 new professional SEO Tools: the Keyword Research, Keyword Difficulty, Aged Domain Finder & WuzzRank Calculator. Moreover 8 of the previous tools have been updated and now provide new features and additional statistics. Finally the API has been updated to provide access to the new features of the toolbox and a brand-new Web Directory has been released with more than 10 million indexed websites that are categorized based on their Content and Domain Strength.

You can try out for Free the new SEO toolbox and find out more about the new toolbox on the following link:

Your comments and feedback will be highly appreciated! :)

OK. thanks for providing good news but may be Google adwords and other Google tool are very useful and accurate for SEO.

What does it exactly do? Can you please be a little more specific with its functions?

Thanks for the sharing ... it looks interesting with many SEO tools. All seo tools in one platform. Thanks.

I think there are many good free analytics companies already. It is a hard business to make $ from. I wish you the best of luck. The website is very nicely designed and seems to have nice features.

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