I read matt cutts's blogs of google update, if i have only the good quality content on my site then can i get a great rank on google?

You need a combination of great content on the site and incoming links from external sources to get page rank. A lot of factors all work together to increase ranking in the search engines.

No it is not possible . their are many who writes good contents .So you will hav eto add some seo to this to get good ranking

Good quality contents is the main factor but not the only factor to get ranking.
There are many many other factors as well.

Content, is the greatest factor, but there has to be someone linking to it, the most important idea is not much good unless its knkown about
goto the google webmaster tools page
read & follow the instructions
Google appear to have a pretty good idea, about what search engines expect,, :P
avoid all promises of instant results, doesnt work
takes time

NO, only the good quality of content is not enough to get top ranking on google.Relevant keywords are also important.

Although a good quality content place an important role in google ranking but this doesn't meant that it is the only one that can bring your site and ranking to a great height. There are lots of other things that do matter for this. You may read some blogs or articles on this which defines the factors affecting Google Page Rank.

Really Content is king and plays a very major role in website rankings. But some website promotion activities are also important to get rankings in search engines.

Content is the king to increase ranking and traffic if it has relevancy according to keywords, there is no doubt, but we increase its link popularity that work like booster and helps to increase ranking and traffic with in short time,

There are so many factors to get the top ranking on the search engines.It's not the one and only factor that with the help of good quality content we can get the top ranking.

Good quality content certainly play a vital role in bringing your website to top ranking but you can;t say that it is the only thing.There are lot of factors involved. In SEO there is no concept of choosing one thing and relying on it completely. hope it will make sense to you.

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