Finaly good news from google ,google update it`s PR today , two of my site PR UP 5 to 6
what about you guys

First time i am saying.... thanks google, my most of sites pr update 0 to 3 or 4...

Thanks for sharing the good news.
Congratulations to you:)
But my site PR has no any improvement, still 3.

Great! congratulations!
My website also received PR 6. :)

Mine site PR has increased from PR2 to P3 and PR0 to P1..:)

Hi, i am so happy because my site PR also increase 2 to 4. I like Google

Really nice, i got also from PR2 to PR4 for a site of mine. Now i have to maintain it like this.

The most fair Google PageRank I ever seen since I’ve started blogging!

Yes, this is the most Google PageRank update I ever came across, seriously!

Really Good news, i got also from PR0 to PR1 and PR2.
I am Happy

This PR updates was also good for me . My sites have also got the PR of 2

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