Hi Everyone

I am new to search engine optimization and I have a few questions on keywords. I am told that I need to include my key words at the top and bottom of my pages. I have about 10 keywords in total that I want to use through out the copy of my website (not all of them on each page), and one keyword for each title of my webpage. Should I use all 10 at the top/bottom of each page, abd would they visible to my users? Also, should I use all ten keywords in my ALT attribute of my <IMG> tag? Lastly, should I include all ten keywords in the TITLE attribute of my <A> tag? I know thats alot of questions, but I just want to make sure I maximize the amount of traffic I get to my website.

Thank you guys :)

My advice for you is to create content for your visitors, clients, users etc. and not for search engines. Do not overoptimize your content.

title: Is the most important tag --> this means that you should include the most important keyword(s) here - don´t use more than 65 characters.

Each individual page should only target one or two keywords. The keywords shouldn't be repeated in an unnatural way. They should be built naturally into the content.

keywords length varies according to the search engines.so fix your keywords within that.keywords should be related to your pages.

try to use keyword density 2% to 5% in perticular web page.

You can use 4-5 keywords on every page. Make Title Tag for every page, it is very important. If your page have good content then not make any meta description.

Hey, How many keywords you are using it's up to you, after all it should be 255 characters it's better if less then 15.

yes, i was going to suggest not bombarding your tags or content with too many keywords. As cscgal stated, the content should be "natural," and not repetitive for the sake of using the keywords over and over. Good luck.

Content is king. Put useful info on your website.

2-3 keywords per post is better idea.

My advice for you is to create content for your visitors, clients, users etc. and not for search engines. Do not overoptimize your content.

title: Is the most important tag --> this means that you should include the most important keyword(s) here - don´t use more than 65 characters.

yes but what about other Meta tags ?

Minimum 80 character
Avoid repeated keywords
Title and keywords should be made for each other.It is easy for other search engines to crawl the site quickly.

using one or two keywords per page is the optimal way. Well, I believe the best way will be having one page/keyword and then you can link all of your pages into master footer

When I was still working on a SEO company, we were told to optimize up to a maximum of three keywords per page only. In your title tag, you could do it in this format: keyword 1 | keyword 2 | keyword 3

5 - 20% - (all keywords/ total words)
1 - 6% - (each keyword/ total words)

In meta keyword contains 255 character and in web page have 2 to 3 keywords.

I always use 4 keywords in meta tags. But the keywords should be relevant to the page specif and content relevant.

Thanks guys, this has really helped

i personally think 4 to 5 keywords would be good,

Hi ! in my perception we should use maximum 3 keywords in your page and post . no matter you can place it at any where.

donot stuff it with keywords..use only neccesary data and make sure the keyword density is low..

Basically, 4 or 5 keywords are enough between the contents of one page.

Each web page should have 4-5 unique keywords, consisting of long tail and short tail.

use your keyword density 2% to 5% in a web page.and this will also depend that which search engine are you using.

You can use 4 to 5 Keywords or not more than 65 character. Thank you.

3 to 5 keywords is the best ratio for a web page.

If your talking about just keywords not anchor text links, then the amount doesn't matter, the keywords monthly searches do though. But if you are talking about anchor text links then 3 to a post max, I go with one maybe two just play it safe. For the home page, it depends on whether or not you have a featured post/image near your header because that could contain meta tags and other anchor text links.

Each individual page should only target one or two keywords. The keywords shouldn't be repeated in an unnatural way. They should be built naturally into the content.

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